The concert nightmare

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Y/n pov
I was sitting on my chair in the dark looking at a photo of my parents when I heard my doorbell be rung. I snapped out of my daze and got up and went to my door and took a look through my doorbell camera and there was a letter on my doormat. I opened the door and picked it up and I looked to see if it was mistakenly delivered to the wrong house." I looked at who it was and it was shipped to me...there's no mistaking it. It matched my all my info so I walked back inside and shut my door and locked it. I walked over to my chair and sat on it and opened it up and there was a letter in there along with a Diamond VIP ticket to some band named K/DA. I looked at the letter and it read.

Dear Y/n L/n
      You may not know me but it'll stay that way. I managed to get my hand on a Diamond VIP ticket for one of the most famous bands K/DA. I noticed that you're an introvert and I was about to go but remembered how lonely you are and decided to say hell with it and give the ticket to you. I want you to go and enjoy yourself. It will be extremely loud and there will be swarms of people there. So bring some earplugs or something. A driver will be there to pick you up around 7 pm. This ticket allows you to go back stage and watched the concert. They'll provide you free snacks and drinks. So you better get ready for if I find out you skipped and didn't go. I'll personally beat your ass and believe me you don't want to FAFO! So enjoy this. Not many people will do this for someone like you. Plus you may find yourself not that different from them...oh make sure to not piss Evelynn off for she won't hesitate to kill you...she is called the DIVA for a reason. Ok bye!!!

I looked at the ticket and letter and I decided just to go because this person knows everything about me which means I'm screwed if I don't go. I won't like whoever this stranger is to come and fight me. I looked at the time and seen it was 6 PM which I got up and grabbed some casual clothing and made my way to my shower and took it. I made sure to look nice. I grabbed my earbuds, my phone, my wallet, and finally my house keys. I put them in my pocket and I looked outside wary of this stranger because for all I know they can be watching me right now. I seen a Limo pull up outside and some walking giant with made it to my door and knocked. I gulped and unlocked my door and the giant asked "Are you Y/n
L/n?" I nodded and he said "Ticket please" I pulled the ticket out of my pocket and he looked at it which he handed it back to me and he said "Follow me smaller one." I did which he  opened the back door which I got in and he closed my door then went to the driver's side and got into the Limo and he said "What music will you like to listen to." I said "I have my own music...Giant Sir?" He said "My name is Braum and you're shaking like a daisy in the mountains of Freljord. Are you perhaps scared?" I said "Yes sir...I'm not use to being outside. I don't even know who K/DA is even. All I know is some crazy stalker dropped this on my doorstep and they practically know everything about me."

Braum pov
I looked in the rear view mirror and seen how he is huddled up and looking out the window. I'm stunned that he doesn't know who K/DA is even." I rolled up the window between both of us to give him some privacy for he is clearly not used to the outside world. I wonder what has him this frightened. I bet it was Mundo that did this. He is the only one capable of pulling such stunts." We pulled in and K/DA's fans surrounded the vehicle."

I got out and walked over to Y/n's door which he was hyperventilating. I said "Come with me and I'll take you to the back room so you can feel a bit safer." He reluctantly got out and I seen he shared Vayasta features which is extremely rare for there to be Male Kitsunes." I noticed that his tails were made purely out of soul flames. This made me even more intrigued because I never met a Vayasta that their features are made entirely out of Soul flames." I quickly guided him to the back stage area where he'll meet the girls after and I said "A lady will be in to take your drink and snack request. I assure you myself that no one will trouble you back here." He nodded and he took a seat in the chair in the furthest corner which gave me an indication that there's more to this then meets the eye. I walked out and tapped the lady that will be taking his order and said "Be careful when you approach him. He's really shaken up." She nodded and I walked away to take my post.

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