Welcome To The Sex Club

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We got to the club on time, thanks to Zack's expert driving.

It was as beautiful as the last time I came here.
Diana gasped like it was her first time, I stared at her.

She gave me a sheepish smile, "I still get amazed when I come here. The feeling doesn't get old."

I gave her a nod, she was right. It was my second time in the building was still as magnificent as the first time I came.

"Come on," Zach said.

We walked with him to the door, the guards didn't ask him questions. They just let him in.

I recognized one of them, he was the one that stopped me when I wanted to go in.

I smiled at him when he gave me a nod. Zach walked in like he knew the place while Diana and I followed like lackeys.

Diana's eyes glinted with glee as she looked around, I did the same and my eyes widened.

It was like a whole new world, different from the one outside.

The hallways were dimly lit with a red light and the pictures that hung from the wall, naked men and women scattered across the wall.

The first room Zack took us to was dark, just candles everywhere and it gave the room some kind of glow.

A gasp left my lips when I realized that the one Inflicting pain was the woman and she had her heels on the man's shoulder as he knelt on the floor.

"Sometimes, men want to be dominated too," Zack said when he saw the look on my face.

The woman paid no attention to us as she attended to her partner.

"Come on," Zack said as he led us to the second room.

The woman was tied up and laid flat on the bed with panties in her mouth, she could only see but couldn't speak. My lips parted in surprise.

It turned out that Killian and I barely scratched the surface. Zack moved on from that room, he acted like the tour guide and Diana as his assistant.

She knew her way around her and it was beginning to show.

The best part of this is that no one cared if they knew you, what happened in the club stayed in the club.

They didn't care about anybody or anything else but their pleasure. Every room was occupied and they were all busy.

We passed the room I followed Killian to, it was occupied by strangers but it brought back memories from that day.

Diana linked my arm with him as she pulled me, she looked way more excited than I did and it showed.

The wide smile on her face, the spring in her step, and the animated way she spoke about this. She was way deep into it.

Zack finished his tour when we got to the end of the building.

"That is it." He said, he gestured to the long hallway.

I sighed deeply, "Thank you for the tour. It was lovely. This place is amazing." I said.

He grinned as he dipped his head.
My smile turned to a frown as I realized that the only reason why Killian wanted me was that we fit.

I gave myself completely to him and I satisfied him sexually.

"Hey, Zack?"


"Is it possible for a master to have more than one slave?" I asked.

I looked calm but my body tensed up at the answer.

"Well, it depends on the situation. But it's certainly possible."

My frown deepened, I didn't want that to be the case between Killian and me.
"Most men here have more than one subs or slaves." He said.

I gave him a look. "But I have just one special one."

I saw when Diana's heart melted and she leaned into him. I requested the urge to coo at them.

Zack gathered her in his arms as he kissed her deeply, Diana wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed into the kiss.

I felt a little jealous but at the same time, I was happy for them. It was good that they had a healthy relationship, unlike mine.

"Uh, guys?" I said as I tried to grab their attention.

They were still kissing, I felt bad for my actions but it couldn't be helped.

"Guys!" I yelled.

They broke apart, looking guilty.
I was wrong, it felt so good. I felt good.

"I hate to interrupt your moment but I have to go now."

Diana pouted immediately, "You wouldn't like to have fun or stick around?" She asked.

I shook my head, "no, I have to get back." I said.

She understood I didn't tell Killian I was going somewhere, and knowing the kind of person he was, he was bound to blow off like a bomb.

"Okay, let me know if you need anything." She said.

"Will do. Thank you, Zack." I said as he gave me a one-sided hug.

I left the club, the fresh air hitting my face as I breathed in, my chest expanded and I felt a whole lot better.
It was all too intense but I didn't regret coming here. I had a lot to learn if I was going to make Killian not get tired of me.

If this was my only chance to have him then I better make it count.

I ordered a ride on my phone and sent them my location, I saw a bus stop earlier on my way here.

I would walk to it. I don't think the club would like it if I bring the wrong kind of people to their place.

I walked, grateful to have the lights on and to see people walking around.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I fished it out, I opened the text message and dropped shut.

"What the fuck?" I said to myself as I read the words on the screen.

"Where are you? Come back early, I want to discuss the details of the wedding with you."

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