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I turned around immediately to find Esther glaring at me in disapproval.

Now she decides to show up?

I was getting sick and tired of these people.
She didn't think to show up when her favorite client Greg was pressed up against me and positioned me for sex. She decides to show up now to play the big bad security wolf.

I rubbed my temple as the headache came on.

"Why are you using the private lift?"

She barked, I frowned at her harsh tone. We weren't best of friends but she has never raised her voice at me. I ignored it.

She made it look like the private elevator was gold-plated. well in this case it was.

"I asked you a question," she snapped when I made no move to answer.
Sheesh woman, put your claws away. She inched close to me with a suspicious look on her face.

"You know the employees don't use this, right? It's called a private elevator for a reason dear" she spoke further.

Her patronizing tone was beginning to irritate me, I clicked my tongue to check myself before giving her the answer she desperately needed, staying here and listening to her talk would be a waste of time on my part.

"President Killian requested for me," I said simply.

A mixture of emotions crossed her face all at once, it was comical but one stood out to me.

Her sneer.

"President Killian invited you to his office?" She sneered with disbelief.
I nodded my head, I made a move to get on when she grabbed a hold of my sweater.

"So, he invited you to his office? You are just a masseuse. I am the manager and I haven't been invited anywhere." She observed.

It was at the tip of my tongue to tell her the reason why she wasn't invited but I knew it would get me fired. She shook her head as she thought about it.

"You are lying." She pressed.

I shook my head carefully. She stepped even closer so I could read her emotions.

"He would never invite you to his office alone, you are lying." She said.

I sighed, this wasn't working out.
I made a move to leave her there with all her questions but she was faster.

She grabbed the lapel of my sweater.
"Where do you think you are going?" She asked,

I stared her down in surprise. Her face was painted into the sneer she had on and for some reason, it looked like this was more about being personal for her than it was about me getting on the elevator.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked,
She had never acted like this to me. This was surprising and a little unnerving.

"Nothing is. You are lying and I will find out." She snarled, getting her phone like she wanted to call security on me.
I scoffed. She can't possibly be serious.

"You want to call the guards on me?"

"Don't move," she said through gritted teeth as she held on to me.

We can't be doing this, I wanted to push her and get on but my phone started vibrating in my purse. She still held on to me so I shrugged her off forcefully making her stagger back.

She sent me a glare which I returned.
I lost my attention on her and focused on my ringing phone, it was Killian. I sighed as I picked it up.

"You are not here," he stated.
His voice was calm and rich as he spoke. The words came out polished but I knew he was impatient since I wasn't there yet. The little I know about him was that he was a patient man.

"I was on my way actually but someone forbade me from using the elevator," I said with a glare at Esther.
Her expression turned curious as she wondered who I was reporting to.

It was childish of me to report her but I was done with her.

"Put her through," he ordered.

I stretched the phone out to Esther who looked at the phone like it wanted to bite her. I gestured for her to take it.

"Hello," she said into the phone.

I don't know what Killian said to her that made her laugh suddenly but it brought a frown to my lips. I watched her lips freeze from the laughter and her eyes darted to mine in sheer panic.
It was epic.

"I am so sorry sir, I thought she was lying." She tried to say, I rolled my eyes at her. She was on the phone for a long time, no doubt being chided by her boss.

Her cheeks grew red with embarrassment and from the scolding, her eyes darted out to mine in an attempt to save her but I was so petty on this.

I wouldn't try to help if I wanted to, she was the one being a bitch in the first place.

"Okay, sir. Thank you, sir." She said.
She handed me back the phone, "you weren't lying." She said to me.

"And why would I do that?" I snapped.

She sighed, "I am sorry I doubted you but I was just taking precautions." She explained.

I rolled my eyes, "precautions were asking me why I was headed there. The rest was you being bitchy, bitter, and jealous that I got invited instead of you." I snapped.

I was tired, weak, and angry from the episode with Greg earlier, and now this? This was my worst day yet.

"I am so sorry, you can go now." She said.

I didn't need her permission for that but I let the talk slide anyway. I had more important things to do anyway. My body trembled as soon as I got on it, the private elevator was so clean and big.

I sent her a smirk just as the door closed on her face.

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