Chapter 15: The First Storm

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Mitsugi and Suguri's new life in the city started off like a dream. Their small apartment quickly became a cozy home, filled with laughter and love. Mitsugi thrived at his new job, and Suguri found a research position at a nearby university. They settled into a comfortable routine, exploring the city on weekends and enjoying quiet evenings together.

However, as the months passed, the pressures of their new responsibilities began to mount. Mitsugi's job was demanding, with long hours and high expectations. Suguri's research was equally consuming, often requiring late nights in the lab. The stress started to take its toll, and the cracks in their seemingly perfect life began to show.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day at work, Mitsugi came home to find Suguri hunched over his laptop, surrounded by papers. The apartment was a mess, and there was no dinner on the table. Frustration bubbled up inside Mitsugi as he dropped his bag on the floor.

"Suguri, we've talked about this," Mitsugi said, trying to keep his voice steady. "We need to keep the place tidy. I can't come home to this chaos every day."

Suguri looked up, his eyes red from exhaustion. "I'm sorry, Mitsugi. I've been swamped with this project. I barely had time to eat, let alone clean."

Mitsugi sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know you're busy, but we both are. We need to find a way to manage this better."

The tension between them simmered, and over the next few weeks, it only grew worse. Small disagreements turned into heated arguments, and the closeness they once shared felt strained. One night, after another argument about chores, Suguri slammed his laptop shut and stood up.

"This isn't working, Mitsugi," he said, his voice shaking. "We can't keep fighting like this."

Mitsugi felt a pang of fear in his chest. "Suguri, please. We can figure this out."

Suguri shook his head. "I need some space to think. I'm going to stay with a friend for a few days."

Mitsugi watched in stunned silence as Suguri packed a small bag and left the apartment. The silence that followed was deafening, and Mitsugi felt an ache in his heart he hadn't known was possible.

The days without Suguri were unbearable. Mitsugi went through the motions at work, but his mind was always elsewhere. He missed Suguri's presence, his laughter, the way he made everything feel right. The apartment felt empty and cold without him.

One evening, Mitsugi sat at the kitchen table, staring at the promise ring on his finger. He knew he had to make things right. With renewed determination, he picked up his phone and called Suguri.

Suguri answered after a few rings, his voice wary. "Mitsugi?"

"Suguri, I'm sorry," Mitsugi began, his voice thick with emotion. "I hate how things have been between us. I miss you, and I want to fix this."

There was a long pause before Suguri spoke. "I miss you too, Mitsugi. But we need to figure out how to handle our stress better. We can't keep tearing each other apart."

"I know," Mitsugi said, his heart aching. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Can we talk? Really talk, and find a way to make this work?"

Suguri sighed softly. "Okay. Let's meet tomorrow at the park near our place."

The next day, they met at the park, sitting on a bench beneath a large oak tree. The familiar surroundings brought a sense of comfort, and they talked openly about their frustrations and fears. They acknowledged their mistakes and made a plan to support each other better.

"I'm sorry for pushing you away," Suguri said, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I was overwhelmed, but that's no excuse."

Mitsugi reached out, taking Suguri's hand in his. "And I'm sorry for not being more understanding. We're a team, and we need to remember that."

They sat in silence for a moment, the tension slowly melting away. Mitsugi felt a weight lift off his shoulders, replaced by a renewed sense of hope.

As they walked back to their apartment, hand in hand, they made a promise to each other: to communicate better, to be more patient, and to never let their love be overshadowed by stress or misunderstandings.

Back at home, they worked together to tidy up the apartment, turning it back into the warm, welcoming space it had been. That night, as they lay in bed, Mitsugi held Suguri close, feeling a sense of peace he hadn't felt in weeks.

"We're going to be okay," he whispered, pressing a kiss to Suguri's forehead.

Suguri nodded, his eyes closing in contentment. "Yes, we are. Together, we can face anything."

The first storm had tested their relationship, but it had also made them stronger. Mitsugi and Suguri knew there would be more challenges ahead, but they also knew that as long as they faced them together, their love would continue to guide them through any darkness.

With their hearts united, they drifted off to sleep, ready to embrace whatever the future held, confident in the strength of their bond.

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