Chapter 10: Confrontation and Confessions

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Mitsugi's mind raced as he chose his next words. "Yuki, you know how much I respect Professor Suguri. We've been working closely on my research, that's all. You know how passionate I am about this project."

Yuki leaned back, his gaze never leaving Mitsugi's face. "I believe you, Mitsugi. But it's not just about me. People are talking, and that could lead to complications for both of you, especially for Suguri."

Mitsugi sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know, Yuki. I've been careful, but I guess it wasn't enough. Do you think there's any way to stop these rumors?"

Yuki shrugged. "People love to gossip. You might have to distance yourself a bit, at least in public. If things get worse, it could mean serious trouble for Suguri's career."

Mitsugi nodded, his heart heavy. "Thanks for the heads-up, Yuki. I'll figure something out."

As Mitsugi walked back to his dorm, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. The idea of distancing himself from Suguri felt like a knife to his heart, but he knew Yuki was right. He had to protect Suguri, even if it meant personal sacrifice.

That evening, Mitsugi met Suguri in his office. The professor's face lit up when he saw Mitsugi, but his smile faded as he noticed Mitsugi's troubled expression.

"What's wrong?" Suguri asked, concern etched in his features.

Mitsugi took a deep breath. "Yuki told me there are rumors about us. People are talking, Suguri. It could cause problems for you."

Suguri sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I was afraid this might happen. We've been careful, but sometimes it's not enough. What do you want to do?"

Mitsugi looked down, his heart aching. "We might have to distance ourselves in public. At least until things calm down. I can't let this affect your career."

Suguri reached across the desk, taking Mitsugi's hand in his. "I understand, Mitsugi. But know this: my feelings for you won't change. We'll get through this together."

Mitsugi nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and sorrow. "I love you, Suguri. We'll find a way."

In the days that followed, Mitsugi and Suguri made a conscious effort to be more discreet. They limited their interactions to necessary academic meetings, and Mitsugi started spending more time with his friends to divert attention. It was difficult, but they both knew it was necessary.

One evening, Mitsugi found himself at a small gathering with Yuki and a few other friends. The atmosphere was light and casual, but Mitsugi's mind kept drifting to Suguri. As the night went on, Yuki pulled Mitsugi aside.

"How are you holding up?" Yuki asked, concern in his eyes.

Mitsugi gave a small smile. "It's tough, but I'm managing. Thanks for looking out for me, Yuki."

Yuki nodded. "That's what friends are for. Just remember, if you need anything, I'm here."

As the weeks turned into months, the rumors slowly began to die down. Mitsugi and Suguri maintained their professional facade in public, but their private moments became even more precious. They cherished their time together, finding solace in the fact that their bond was strong enough to withstand the challenges they faced.

One afternoon, as Mitsugi was leaving a lecture, he received a message from Suguri: "Meet me at the park. I have something to tell you."

Curious and a little anxious, Mitsugi hurried to the park. He found Suguri waiting by their favorite bench, looking pensive.

"What's going on?" Mitsugi asked as he approached.

Suguri smiled softly. "I've been offered a research position abroad. It's a great opportunity, but it means I'd have to leave for a year."

Mitsugi's heart skipped a beat. "A year? That's a long time."

Suguri nodded. "I know. But it could also mean a fresh start for us when I return. No more rumors, no more hiding."

Mitsugi took a deep breath, weighing the possibilities. "If this is what you want, I'll support you. We can make it work. We've been through worse."

Suguri pulled Mitsugi into a tight embrace. "Thank you, Mitsugi. Your support means everything to me. I promise, we'll get through this."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Mitsugi felt a renewed sense of hope. Their journey had been filled with challenges, but their love had only grown stronger. Together, they could face anything the future held.

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