Chapter 3 - In The Background

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[A/N]: Hello everyone it's Leafy!

[A/N]: Welcome to chapter 3 as the name suggests. We are going to branch away from our beloved lovebirds and focus on Hirata, Matsushita and Sato as they split off from Karuizawa and Ayanokoji whilst they enjoy each other's company.

[A/N]: This chapter intends to cover what Hirata and the other girls discuss in the cafe and will end at the same point we see our beloved couple walk together into the sunset and isn't necessarily going to be long since were only covering the 5-hour span from 10 am to 3 pm. From when Hirata, Matsushita and Sato branched out from Karuizawa and Ayanokoji to when they reunite again at the end of Chapter 2.

[A/N]: Essentially this chapter branches off from Chapter 2 where our group splits and merges back at the ending of Chapter 2 before Chapter 4 brings the spotlight back to Karuizawa and Ayanokoji. This flowchart will make intentions clearer about this chapter

[A/N]: After chapter 4 or 5 please allow some time for future chapters as I am returning to school and my workload is going to increase

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[A/N]: After chapter 4 or 5 please allow some time for future chapters as I am returning to school and my workload is going to increase. I am in my 5th year of High School and about 18 months (As of 5/7/24) away from graduation. More about this later.

[A/N]: Alright, let us see the perspective of Hirata, Matsushita and Sato!

Prologue: After our group separates as mentioned in Chapter 2. We begin to understand what Hirata, Matsushita and Sato are talking about at the cafe in Keyaki Mall.

Hirata's POV:

We just walked into this beautiful cafe Karuizawa, and I always hang out at in Keyaki Mall and we just ordered our drinks and sat down. I then asked Matsushita and Sato how their days have been to start the conversation whilst we waited for our drinks.

"Matsushita and Sato, how have your days been?" I asked.

"Nothing interesting." Said Sato.

"Same here, before we decided to hang out I was still lying in bed." Matsushita replied.

"So do you want know what really is happening between me and Karuizawa-san?" I asked.

Sato had an eager face whilst Matsushita appears to have her usual face. I thought nothing of either of their faces and continued with revealing my relationship between myself and Karuizawa.

"About my relationship with Karuizawa..." I stuttered after her name feeling uneasy about what her friends were about to hear. Then Matsushita started talking.

"I'm going to assume you guys weren't really dating. She stated which then raised Sato's ears and left her speechless.

I was shocked upon hearing that, and I was sure Sato was to. How did she know all of this. Well upon looking at her face with a shock of horror she than continued speaking. Sato also listening.

 Sato also listening

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