{15. Gardens and apple pie}

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You were currently with a doctor named Momo. She was helping you with physical rehabilitation, by taking a short walk through the garden. The scent of scent Lillie's and lavender grazing your nose. A gentle warm breeze twisting and blowing through your hair and against your skin. The flowers dancing around with one another while basking in the morning sun. Soft green grass scattered around the stone walk path, you and Momos footsteps seeming almost seeming muffled too you.

You felt at peace for once in your life. This moment felt like it lasted forever, an endless painting. You clasped your hands in front of you, though you couldn't feel them due to the bandages around your hands. You were healing a lot more slowly than many other werewolves due to your inner wolf not showing itself due to you being afar to weak to even allow it to show its presence. It made you feel a bit guilty knowing the last time you and your wolf spoke was when sometime when you just hit puberty.

"(Y/n), you seem plagued by your thoughts again. Shall we head somewhere else, or even get something to eat?" Momo asked, causing you to snap from your thoughts.

"Uh im fine with what you want!" You whispered yelled, although food did sound nice you didnt want to be rude.

"Oi doc, I'll take her from here" a familiar raspy voice came from behind you. Soon followed by a Carmel scent.

It was bakugou again and you couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness now, as he steadily approached you two.

"Ah of course but dont be rude to her! And if i find out you scared the poor thing I'll tell your mother!" Momo spat, almost acting like a protective mother.

"Oh shut up! Like id scare her! And tell the old hag anything you'll pay for it!"

"Depends how much you want me to pay" Momo said, with a sarcastic tone, as she began to walk off the opposite way.

Soon it was just you, and bakugou. There was a chilling silence before bakugou finally said something.

"So how have you been.." He mumbled, you could tell in his tone he was nervous, maybe even more than you.

"Oh uh, doctor Momo said i would be okay in about a week or two."

"Good, i dont want someone here being hurt in my pack.." he mumbled and closed his eyes as he started walking

You know you always thought this packs alpha was terrifying and cruel, but he's only trying to protect his pack. You followed beside him to who knows where.

"So why did you come out here?"

"Can i not check up on you?" He scoffed turning his head away.

"W-well! No i just wasn't expecting, you to visit me. Plus aren't you supposed to be training opal?"

"You mean that brat hell no, she complains from the littlest amount of exercise." He spat and just pitched the bridge of his nose "i regret asking for her"

"Sorry about her... she's always been like this" You mumbled and tilted your head down.

His eyes narrowed down to you before his gently babbed the back of your head with the back of his hand.

"Don't apologize for her dumbass... just worry about yourself and getting better." He huffed before stopping, and just barely could see him smile.

"R-right! But what now?" You mumbled as you also stopped. The sun was starting to set now, fading into a pink, orange, yellow hue.

"Are you hungry? I think my old hag is making something for dinner" He sated and put his hands in his pockets.'

"If it's not a problem for you? Wait also hag?"

"Tch, no it not a problem, and hag is just what i call my mom" he scoffed out that last part before pointing over to backdoor to inside the mansion.

"Alright" you mumbled and soon of both of you headed back inside of mansion.

Once you two got closer and closer to the kitchen the smell of sweet cinnamon and toasted apples filled your nose. Apple pie for dinner? You weren't complaining but it was still a bit odd.

"Oi hag, is there enough room for another person?"

"I thought i told you to stop calling me that! And yes there is why?" A woman shouted from across the room as she soon walked out, wearing a white apron. She was pretty much a gender swap of bakugou. Her crimson eyes landed onto you and she immediately sped walked over and shoved her brat of a son away.

"Hello dear! Im mitsuki katsuki mother. Sorry if he's treated you poorly, in any way. Katsuki! Go ste up another plate for her!"

"Dont yell at me hag!" He spat but was immediately hit in the back of the head.

"Dont talk back and just do it!! And stop calling me hag in front of our guest brat!" She almost completely swamped personality's, and you just watched her hit bakugou in the head. She certain seemed scary if she didnt just cooed to you like five seconds before.

Bakugou begrudgingly walked off and went to get a plate, and some silverware.

"Im sorry about yelling but your (Y/n) right? Im so glad you were able to recover, if there's anything you ever need just tell me" she cooed softly and she even knelt down to you to meet with you.

You nodded and clapsed your hands in front of you.

"Th-thank you for the offer but i don't want to trouble you"

"Don't worry dear! If anything im more troubled if im not able to help someone as adorable as you"

Although before you could respond you hear others soon enter the kitchen

"Oh hey (Y/n)! You're here too?" Kirishima chuckled and waved towards you. But he was followed be a few others. One wirth mink skin and hair like Cotten candy. One with yellow hair with a black lightning bolt in his hair, and then one with an odd grin and black silky hair.

"Wait your the new girl! Im mina, ive been wanting to meet you!"

"New girl huh, you unmatted by any chance?" The yellow haired one asked.

Bakugou almost immediately smacked him in the head and snarled lowly.

"Back off sparky! Shes dealt with enough bullshit"

This was certainly was a pack, and they all seemed so happy.

"Sorry about him the pervert is denki and im sero! Nice to meet ya"

"Okay everyone apple pie is ready! Take a seat and (Y/n) dear you can sit by me or katsuki!"

"Thank you ma'am" you mumbled and decided to sit down by bakugou.

As everyone else sat down you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. The same feeling from the garden. It was nice, knowing this pack, these people were so kind.

"Also (Y/n) me and shitty hair went to get you clothes.. they should be in your room now when you head back there"

"You didnt have too i had enough"

"For around three months no... so don't complain and just eat your apple pie" Bakugou huffed and just took a piece of pie, he didnt seem like the type to have a sweet tooth but he did like something sweet every once in awhile.

You couldn't help but stare at bakugou as he basically told you t shut up and eat, but you didnt mind. Being in a place like this, even if it was for only a month. You knew you would enjoy every second of it here..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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