{6. News}

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Small note, in this book, werewolves become fully mature at the age of eighteen since werewolves grow faster then humans, so yes (Y/n) is an adult. So don't come at me when she gets pregnant or something because she's technically just in her twenty's in human years. Now enjoy! ♡

The next morning, you woke up, with your body aching in pain, with the scent of dry blood, stinging the inside of your nose. You were just curled up on the floor, this time without a blanket to keep you warm, from thr morning cold winds. Even just breathing made your lungs burn, like you were drowning in your body. Your clothes were teared up even more, with your own blood staining them, making them look like you murder someone.

Your mother kept her word about "correcting" you, to the point you blacked out. All that you could remember, was the blurry face of your mother, with a whip in her hand that had sharp rigged edges, that easily teared through your soft skin. The strong scent of your blood from that moment still lingered in your nose, seeming to be the only thing you can smell. You could still feel the pain from when the whip struck your back, arms, chest, and even legs, to the point you were covered head to toe in your blood. Even though it seemed like you would've died from blood loss, which would've been better, your mother made sure to keep you alive, so you did your job and made her money from being a maid.

You remembered something else, your mother also took your and confiscated all the money you gathered. It was pointless at this point. In a matter of minutes you went through so many emotions, first it was fear, then determination, and happiness, and then that turned into sadness, and a broken feeling that still ate at you mentally.

At this point, you just felt like leaving those world behind, to escape the pain and suffering, and to truly be free. You never truly tried to kill yourself before, mainly because you had that hope you would escape to the city. But now, it was useless, there was no more hope of you escaping. So maybe, death could be an option...a better way to leave.

How would you do it though? You didn't have anything in your room that was sharp, and they locked your window so you couldn't use the pipe. Maybe when they let you put again to work as a maid again you could use that chance to use something, anything.

One of the warriors in the pack house should be letting you out of your roo. any minute now. So you raised your arm up to the wall slowly, and ever so slightly, lifted yourself up off the floor, each small movement, causing a sharp burning from the fresh wounds.

Eventually, you were finally able to stand on your two feet, but it did take everything that was left of you to not just immediately collapse back onto the floor. Once so.ewhat stable, you limped your way over to the small drawer and just leaned over on it, to help support you body while you waited to be let out.

After twenty more minutes of waiting, you heard a clicking noise, as the door opened and no other then jackass himself nyri the beta. He didn't look as pissed off looking at you, but you couldn't tell if he was pitying your pathetic form, or something happened.

"Hurry your ass up, the alpha and your mother want you." He spat, hearing the very obvious growl in his throat.

The two people you didn't want to see, or even hear, alpha Vox and your mother. What do they want now? You have nothing to give them, you barely have a soul at this point.

Even though you really didn't want to leave your room anymore. You hesitantly stood up and limped your way slowly to nyri.

"Tch.." You heard him scoff as he walked off to the pack living room.

You didn't have much a choice but to follow him to the living room, dreading every single step, seconds seeming like hours to you.

As nyri turned the corner and harshly grabbed your arm, making you whimper due to still being wounded, and tossed your body to the floor of the living room, and kept your head lowered now wanting to risk pissing anyone off anymore.

"For once I'm glad you could join us for once omega..." Said a deep voice, as you know as Vox.

"Let's just get straight to the point so we can go back to having opal pack up.." Antoher voice spoke up, and immediately knew it was your mother, just based by the way she talked.

"Watch your tounge, beta..." Vox snarled at your mother, and to be honest you were glad that the alpha still corrected people especially your mother.

"Y-yes alpha...sorry.." She mumbled.

"Now then, omega, we have called you here to tell you that you will be going with opal to the blood moon pack, to be her guardian, even though your much weaker than opal."

"But I thought the alpha specificly asked for me? Not some omega...-"

"One he just said bring your strongest warrior, and two your only thirteen, your only a teen, so she will be coming with you since she's a full grown adult.."

"Why can't you just send one of your warriors with me?"

"Because we don't have many warriors, so stop complaining."

You heard opal just grumble, pouting like a five year old. Sometimes you couldn't take opal seriously because the way she acts like she's a braty princess, deserving of all the attention, and love.

But as you processed what Vox said, your eyes widened, realizing where he was sending you. The blood moon pack?! Did they seriously make a alliance with them?! How? What did they gave to give up? The blue moon pack was dirt poor, and little territory, and not even good farming ground. And not only that, there was rumors about how the blood moon pack got its name...

People say that years ago they went to war with three different packs at the same time, underneath the full moon. All three of those packs were killed off, underneath the moonlight which is how they got their name.

Many feared the current alpha of the blood moon pack. He was short tempered, with deep, crimson, blood, red eyes, that could even make other alphas regret even crossing paths with him. The thought alone of a alpha being able to scare other alphas with just a glare was scary enough on its on. Especially since alphas rarely get scared by other alphas, and even challenge each other for a test of strength.

You couldn't help but think how this was a bad idea. You knew your pack was poor, but we're they seriously sure about sending their pride and joy, opal, to dangerous territory. They wouldn't even care about you, if you did end up dying they wouldn't care, hell if you did die they wouldn't even ask for your body.

It was dead silent in the room, the tension in the air growing thicker, to the point that you were being suffocated with fear. You could feel all their eyes on you now, forcing you take a choice, even though if you did say no, you would just be beat to a bloody pulp and forced to go with opal. The answer was clear....

"Y-y-yes alpha.." You stuttered out.

"Good, now then since you and opal will be staying their for two months, go pack your things, and don't ask for anything if you don't have it. You'll be free of work of today, and will leave Tomorrow morning, be awake by 9am".

You just nodded and slowly stood back up before following nyri back to your room. Once you got there nyri took out the keys to lock your door, but of course his loud mouth had to say something.

"Maybe the alpha there will give you kill you, and let you be free for once. But no doubt you'll go to hell for being a curse on our pack.." He spat before slamming the door closed, and locked it, as you could hear his footsteps disappear slowly.

You looked in the corner to this time see your bag again,and limped your way over to it, and knelt down to it. You opened it up to see that your ntoher really did take all the money back, and even the small pouch that held the money. You sighed and laid down on the cold floor. This was a mess, not only that you failed to escape, but now you were going to a foreign pack territory, that's known for their history, while also being injured....

You were in for a ride...




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