Dear Haley,
I have two things I want to talk about, pain and respect. Empathy and hardcore. Real indepth details we talk of, but hardly talk about. It's a real process and I think they all encourage me to wake up everyday.
Like, "Damn, I couldn't get a rest?"
They literally occur everyday in my life and I've come to realize that they literally take me out of my comfort zone. I'm always improving, always moving, always doing, and always going. Nothing in this world is stopping me from completing me and being me.
Life is always on the move and it's always on the go. I think that's why I contemplate a lot of things. It's not that I'm uninterested in them, it's more of the idea that I am moving and growing.
I'm actually always doing something and that truly makes me unique in my own way. From the way I walk, the way I talk, the way I move, and the way I am in tune; I'm successfully going every step of the way.
There is no need for imrovement of success, I am the being in who I become, I'm just watching the process. At this point, I am literally the process and I'm not going to lie. Sometimes it doesn't seem worth it. Like yeah I want a fat ass, but I rather look fit and appealing to my nature and kind before promoting beauty and altitude in my process.
I am genetically designed to be who am. And I am proud to be me. Thank you all.
Haley Vee
Dear Haley; Love, Haley Vol. 3
ДуховныеWhen there is nothing left inside you, you have to keep going. I think the most important time in our life is life shared for others to see. Many of us will come and go, but no one is going to tell you how to do your job. So when you speak into exis...