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-Patrick's Pov-

I awoke to the smell of bacon in the air.

I'm so glad Pete's mom is here, because all I've had to eat is various kinds take out and pizza.

So. Much. Pizza.

I looked over, and Pete was gone.

Great, I'm going to be here all day with his mom until he gets off work.

I put on some sweat pants and go to the kitchen.

"Good morning Patrick!" She greeted as I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning." I put on my best smile.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked politely.

"Yeah, I did thanks for asking."

It's so quiet. And awkward.

"So, how long have you and Pete been dating?" She asked out of the blue.

Do I tell her about how we hooked up at the party? Or do I say we've been dating for over two months? Or longer?

Where the fuck is Pete when I need him?

Lying is not good. Laying is bad. But the truth is also bad in this case.

"Four and a half months." I said unsurely.

She smiled,"Well, I'm glad he has you. He's had some trouble in the past. He tried to commit suicide about a year ago."

He what?

"I have to go to bathroom." I whispered and left the room.

I walked to the bathroom, and closed the door. I slid down the wall onto the floor.

I can't let this unstable suicidal idiot take care of my child. I can't let this happen.

"Patrick? Are you alright?"

Yeah, fucking awesome.

"Yeah, I just felt a little uneasy. I'll be out in a minute."

Breath. In. Out. In. Out.

Okay, I'm fine. It's all good.

I just need to talk to Pete. Let him explain what happened.

He doesn't seem suicidal. I'm just overreacting.

I stand up and walk out the door.

"Here you go! A bacon egg biscuit! Pete's favorite breakfast other than cold pizza."

Of course. Cold fucking pizza. What a slob.

I smiled and took the plate, and examined the food.

I lift it to my mouth and oh god.

Pete's mom getting here early was totally worth being interrupted last night. This is amazing.

"Wow, thanks this is amazing." I said around my food.

"Yeah, I know." She replied and went upstairs.


"Patrick, babe, I'm home." Pete called as he entered the house.

Okay, I'll just ask him about it. It's not a big deal.

I looked over at him from the couch. This'll be easy.

He walked over to me and kissed me, resting his hand on the side of my face.

I lean into his touch.

"Ummm." His mom cleared her throat.

He pulled away from me.

"Oh, sorry did see you there."


"So, what's for dinner?" Pete asked, looking at his mom expectantly.

"How about chicken and mashed potatoes?" She suggested.

Pete and I nodded together.

"Okay, I'll go to the store. Bye!" She said and walked out the door.

Pete practically tackled me and pinned me down to the couch.

"I've been thinking about you all day." He whispered huskily into my ear.

I rolled my hips up to meet his, releasing a moan.

Oh wait, I was supposed to talk to Pete about-

"Patrick, I really want to fuck you, and listen to the pretty little moans that come out of that pretty little mouth of yours." He said into my neck.

Oh fuck.

"Please Pete." I found myself begging, completely forgetting that I was supposed to ask him about that thing.

What was it?

Oh yeah! I remember!

"Wait, Pete hold up for a second."

"What is it baby?" He asked worried.

"Um, your mom told me something earlier. Is it true you tried to kill yourself?"I'm asked quietly.

He sat up and looked at me panicked.

"Yeah. But I've changed. I promise. I would never do it again. I wouldn't put you or our baby through that. I love you."

My heart did back flips. Oh shit. He loves me?

"I love you too." I smiled back.

"Good." He leaned down and kissed me softly.

(A/N: I'm sorry this kinda sucked. I've been super busy lately and I just wanted to do a quick update for y'all. ❤️)

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