(Part 6)

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Mias pov-

We arrive at the hospital and walk inside. i see my aunt Rachel waiting for me. i haven't seen her in a while but when i was younger she practically raised me. After my dad left my mum was in a really bad place she was almost never home and always drinking or on drugs. Rachel was always there for me. her and my mum are very different even tho there was raised together. Rachel has a successful company that she runs and is very wealthy. i knew my mum was always jealous of her for that. but i knew Rachel was also jealous of my mum since she has settled down with my father and had me. Rachel never married. i thinks she regrets that now, especially since when she's gone she will have no children to take over the company. that's why she always told me if would go to be. i think i was like that daughter she never had. and to me she was the mum i never had. even tho i have a mum she wasn't present for most of my life. As soon as Rachel sees me she comes running over "Mia, you're here finally" she pulls me into a hug. "what happened?" was all i could manage to get out. "it was an overdose, i'm so sorry hunny" i could feel tears pooling behind my eyes as i heard those words. she promised. "she's fine now tho don't worry, you can go see her if you like" i immediately rushed to find her completely forgetting Charlotte was there's

Charlottes pov-

Mia ran off leaving her with her aunt. i don't blame her id do the same. suddenly her aunt turns to me. "And who are you?" she sounded like a bitch although she was so nice to Mia just a moment ago. "i'm Mia's um friend?" it sounded more like a question. are me and Mia friends? i have no idea. "hm ok" and with that she just left me standing there. i didn't want to just leave because i drove Mia there. does she have a lift home? i decided to just wait in my car sending her a text to let her know im waiting. i didn't know how long she would be but not that it matters the kids are with there dad tonight so i would be alone when i went home anyway. after around 20 minutes she walks out.

Mia's pov-

i was shocked Charlotte waited for me. i got into her car "Thanks for waiting" "no problem" she smiles at me "are you okay, how's ur mum" she sounds like she genuinely cares "yeah she's fine. it's not the first time" i can see the sympathy on her face so i decried to change the subject "so i see you met Rachel?" she looks confused that i changed the subject so quickly but goes along with it "Yeah she's....intense, a bit like you" i let out a laugh to her words and so does she. "yeah she can be but when you get to know her she's amazing" i looked at the time and realised it was getting late. "well anyway we should probably get home" she looks kind of disappointed "oh right what's ur address?" i give her my address and we drive off. once we arrive i thank her. i was about to get out when i notice the sad look on her face. "Char are you alright?" she then bursts into tears i didn't know what to do. i'm not good with people and their emotions. i take her into my house and sit her on the sofa making her a cup of coffee and sitting next to her. "what wrong sweetheart?" she then tells me everything about her husband and her divorce. i feel awful. i sit there and let her speak without interrupting. once she finished i wrap my arms around her and she does the same to me. "do you want to stay the night" she doesn't answer just nods. i take her up to my room and get her a pair of pyjamas showing her the bathroom and leaving to get changed myself. once we are both done we get into bed. "are you okay?" she asks me. "sweetheart that's what i should be asking you" i giggle. "no i know but i mean with what happened with ur mum" i knew this would come back into conversation. "yeah I'm fine" i wasn't tho. "do you want to talk about it" yes i do "maybe another time" why did i say that? we both get comfortable before falling asleep.

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