(Part 14)

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Siobhan's pov-

i know a lot of you are thinking i went along with Rodger's plan. are ur right, i did. i still felt awful about it but i had to listen to Rodger. a few days had passed and Mia was ready to start work again. Rodger had instructed me to not leave her side all day and under no circumstances is she to speak to any of the staff. just as we pull into the car park i see Marjorie and Reece standing talking. as soon as Mia spots them she turns to me "Who's that talking with Reece?" i hate lying to her. "That's his girlfriend, Marjorie. you don't like her. Reece left you for her" well technically it wasn't a lie. Reece did leave her for Marjorie. Mia doesn't say anything. we both get out of the car are start to walk towards to nursery went Reece and Marjorie see us. they both come running over. "Mia where have you been? you just disappeared at the hospital, we have been worried sick" Reece says. i was about to speak when Mia beat me to it. "i don't think it's any of ur business where i have been" she then looks Marjorie up and down and talks into the building. i quickly follow her leaving Reece and Marjorie standing there.

Reece's pov-

"What was that all about?" Marjorie asks me. "i don't know but she definitely doesn't remember you" it was clear my dad and Siobhan had a plan. how could they do this to her? taking advantage or someone who doesn't remember anything. i knew Siobhan would have to leave her alone at some point and when she does ill take my chance to talk to Mia. i wasn't expecting Siobhan to stay since she seems to have a lot for better things to do than sit around the the nursery doing nothing all day but when i walked into the office i was surprised to see her sitting beside Mia on her phone. looks like I'm not getting Mia alone anytime soon. i ignore both of them and sit down at my desk to continue my work. a couple hours later Mia stands up and goes to walk out but before she gets to the door Siobhan practically screams at her "Where are you going!" both me and Mia look at her and she clears her throat. "I'm just going to the bathroom relax" Mia says opening the door "do you need me to show you where it is?" Siobhan asks standing up "No it's only around the corner i know where it is" Siobhan looks shocked maybe a bit worried? "How did you remember that?" Mia looks down at the floor. "i don't know but being here i can Remember a few things" that made me hopeful. maybe we can get her memory back. without another word Mia walks out leaving me alone with Siobhan. "Really? your manipulating a poor girl who's lost her memory?" i ask her. she turns to me and rolls her eyes then just sits down at the desk ignoring me completely.

Mia's pov-

i was starting to remember some things. i don't remember ever working hear but i Know where everything is. it's weird. i was so lost in my thoughts i bumped right into someone. "Sorry" i say looking up to see who it was. "Char?" she looks shocked i know her name. how do i know her name? "Mia? you remember me!?" she says. "yea i think so- just then everything comes back to me. The accident, my fight with charlotte, the envelope. everything. "oh my god Char i'm so sorry, i remember everything" before i can say anything else she pulls her in for a hug which i gladly accept. "i'm sorry to Mia. i was just angry i don't hate you. i love you" she loves me? "I love you to char" we stay like that for some time when i remember what Rodger and Siobhan tired to do. i explain it to Char and then head back to the office to confront Siobhan. "where have you been i thought you got lost" say says not even looking up from her phone. i grab her phone out of her hand and slam it on the desk. now she's looking at me. "I remember, i remember everything" she looks scared. "Were you and Rodger seriously going to try and Manipulate me!" now i was screaming. "Mia it's not my fault i didn't want to but Rodger wouldn't listen" i roll my eyes. i was about to say something else when she quickly leaves the room. probably going to tell Rodger. just then i feel a pair of arms around me and look up to see Reece. "it's good to have you back Mia" i smile and hug him back. "Reece i'm so sorry. about the vote" she pulls away and looks down at me. "Mia that's doesn't matter anymore you are far more important to me than some stupid vote."

sorry i haven't updated i actually thought i published this part last night but i guess i didn't 🙄

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