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Missing you.....

Author's POV:

After half an hour, the plane landed at Mumbai airport. Amrit woke up Karn and Rahul, who stretched and glanced around the cabin. Rahul noticed that Aparna was still sleeping in Rajvansh’s embrace.

"Let's wake her up," Rahul suggested, moving closer.

Rajvansh glared at him, his eyes sharp. "Don't disturb my Chocolate's reverie."

Without another word, Rajvansh carefully lifted Aparna in his arms, cradling her as he carried her off the plane and towards the cars waiting for them on the tarmac. The media had gotten wind of the King of Udaipur's arrival in Mumbai and were eager for a glimpse, but they were strictly refused any contact.

The entourage settled into the cars. Rajvansh and Aparna were in one Rolls Royce, with Akash taking the driver’s seat. Karn and Rahul climbed into a separate Rolls Royce, and four cars of security followed them closely.

As the convoy moved through the streets of Mumbai, Rajvansh looked down at Aparna, who remained asleep in his arms. He gently stroked her hair, his thoughts focused on her comfort and safety.

Karn would go directly to Rahul’s home, as planned, while Rajvansh would escort Aparna to her home. The cars moved smoothly through the city, the security detail ensuring their passage was uninterrupted.

Rajvansh reached Aparna's parents' apartment, carrying her gently in his arms. Her parents welcomed him warmly, but he signaled them to stay quiet, motioning to the sleeping Aparna. They showed him the way to her room, and he carefully placed her on her bed.

As he laid her down, he took a moment to smooth the hair away from her face, his fingers lingering on her soft skin. He watched her for a moment, his expression tender as he adjusted the duvet over her body. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, his lips lingering there as if to memorize the warmth and softness of her skin. The gentle rise and fall of her breathing reassured him, and he felt a deep, protective love swell in his chest.

She stirred in her sleep and held onto his hand. His heart tugged to laid beside her and take her in his embrace.
For a moment, he didn't want to move, captivated by the peaceful look on her face. But he knew he had to leave before she woke up. With a reluctant sigh, he removed her hold from his hand then he straightened and left the room, before his heart could fill his head with second thoughts. Casting one last look over his shoulder at her sleeping form.

Her parents, observing this tender moment, felt a mixture of happiness for the love Rajvansh had for their daughter and fear of his possessiveness.

Coming to them, Rajvansh greeted them respectfully. "Namaste. I apologize for the sudden visit."

Her mother smiled, though a bit nervously. "It’s no trouble at all. Please, stay for a while."

Rajvansh shook his head. "Thank you, but I must leave. It will be hard for me to go if Aparna wakes up."

At the threshold of the gate, Rajvansh turned back to her parents. "Remember," he said quietly but firmly, "you have to make Aparna agree to marry me soon. Otherwise, I will tell her the truth—that she isn't your real daughter."

Her parents exchanged worried glances but nodded, understanding the weight of his words. With a final nod, Rajvansh left, the heavy door closing behind him.

Amrit opened the door of the car for Rajvansh, who sat inside with a heavy heart. As the car door closed, the weight of his emotions seemed to settle over him like a heavy cloak. He desperately wanted to go back to her, to his Chocolate, to hold her and feel her warmth. The longing in his heart was almost unbearable, a gnawing ache that refused to be silenced.

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