“Hey! Youre sketching again. Hmmm….seems my session got a progress. Jane interrupted, my little cousin.
She looked at his sketch of a girl holding a knife.
“Wow! A girl holding a knife… at least your holding a pen again. Tom it doesn’t mean that you’ve got similarities with each other youll end up together. It just means that fate got more plans to you.
“Hmmm…fate…now where did that came from? You know what? Summer is right all along theres no such thing as fate, destiny, or love – It doesn’t exist!”I exclaimed.
“No your wrong Tom it does exist. It happens all the time we just don’t notice”
“What am I doing here listening to a 12year old kid, that don’t have that much experience?”
“How about the feeling that you felt through Summer? What is that Tom? Infatuation? Or your gonna answer me “Its mutual”. Its called love Tom! Your too busy looking for reasons why Summer left you! Why wont you look at the other side Tom, maybe there you can find answers. For me I think Summer loved you, she just left you because she needs to find her own happiness. And now its your time too, to find your own happiness.”
He thought all day about Jan told him. Jane’s right he need to straighten up his life.
He started on applying in some Architectural firm.