Chapter 3

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M/n= mother's name
F/n=father's name
Y/n's pov;
The spirit tree brought me to a pond with a trail in the middle, it was the same pond my mother and father taught me how to fish with a bow, spear, and my owns hands when i was little. I walked through the pond and continued on the path. The sounds of my mother's singing voice had my attention, she was singing my songcord. It's a song all Na'vi mother's sing of joy when their childern are first born while starting the first bead of their child's songcord for their first milestone. My mother has a beautiful voice, my grandmother on my father's side once told me when I was small. That my father who was a powerful warrior of our clan fell in love with my mother when he first heard her voice and saw her beauty.

I stopped at the end of the path, and saw my mother sitting at the cliff fixing my father's bow again. She hasn't changed a bit, her clean and neat hairstyle was still the same along with her Na'vi outfit, jewelry, and her knife attached to her left side.. Out of all Na'vi's I've seen, her dark stripe patterns were unique and different but beautiful at the same time. On her right hand, I could still see the scars on her three fingers and thumb from when her Ikran scratched her by accident.

I walk down to where my mother is still singing my songcord.

~To the great mother in me, you brought me the new life of my son, Y/n.
The great joy and happiness in my heart for the gift.
We thank for the life of joy.
We thank for the life of happiness.
Welcome to our family, my Y/n.
My little miracle of light.~

I smiled as tears formed a bit, I miss her and my father everyday. It wasn't the same after they died. I stopped not far behind her."Your voice is still beautiful as ever, mom.".

Her ears and tail perks up the moment, she heard my voice. She looked over her shoulder, and smiled. "Y/n, what a surprise!" She sets my father's bow down and gets up to her feet. She stood at 8'6, and ran towards me and gave me a big hug with her tail moving side to side from happiness. I hugged her back, as I feel my own tail moving side to side from being happy to see her as well. "What brings you here?".

"I wanted to visit you and dad." I said. We let go of each other, and I looked around for father. "Where is dad, anyways?".

"Went to talk to your grandfather. He'll be back soon." She said.

"Oh," I said, as my tail went down. "About what?".

"Well we know your mate is still missing because of the war between Na'vi's and the sky people- I mean humans a few months after you both mated at eighteen. Your father went to talk to your grandfather to help find (her/him)." She said.

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