Just us

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me and lucifer, us together, just us great wow, its just fantastic!

Alastor was in the green room his mind going crazy, he felt like he was getting a headache,

"Great after months of not seeing each other, my mind is nothing but that mans idiotic face"

He kept shaking his leg while he sat down on his chair, but instead he stood up and started pacing around the room

"After years he is acting as if he doesn't know me at all!"

"Well, he does know me, just not in the- what am I even doing.."



Alastor flinched and looked over at the door, he groaned, walking over to the door to open it seeing Lucifer

"Hey!, Al- Alli, allyo-woop" Lucifer tried to think of a nickname for him

"I quite prefer alastor more" Alastor walked out of the room, standing right by the king

"Right!, so uh what do you want to do?" Lucifer asked him

"Well we could always start with a stroll can't we?"

"Right!, yes uh" Lucifer looked so nervous but the two started to walk out together and took a stroll throught the city

The silence between them was loud, if you walked by them, you could feel the cold tension between them, Lucifer was to shy and felt too awkward to speak, and Alastor didn't know what t

"Now..may I ask why the king himself, wants to take a stroll with a sinnerlike myself?" Alastor asked as they walked throught the streets, passing by a few fights and through clouds of smoke, they were in the worst part of the ring of course.

"What, how'd you know?, I never showed my face outside and had my pictures plastered everywhere, I just..kind of assumed no one knew who I was especially here"

"You didn't really ask my answer" Alastor tried to avoid the angels question and tried to turn it around back to his.

"Oh right, well I don't know I was in m workshop one day and I opened the radio, and then I heard you, having a conversation with uh..box?"

Lucifer thought for a second

"It's Box right?, or was it..Dox???"

"It's Vox, Sire" Alastor scoffed at the kings forgetfulness

*You talk like you don't remember me at all, what happened to you..

Alastors mind drifted as the king walked infront of him, oh how Alastor missed him, his voice, his eyes, his laugh, his touch-,

*NO stop with these weird thoughts already, it's irritating

Alastor rubbed his temples feeling a headache coming in from the stress he's getting.

"You okay?" The angel stood Infront of the sinner, a hint of concern in his expression.

"Yes yes, I'm perfectly fine no need to worry, go on" Alastor placed his hand onto the kings shoulder as the two began too walk

The silence got even louder as their walk continued, not really knowing what to say to each other.

"..so your highness, I've heard rumors that you have a child" Alastor already knew about Charlie, but he also knew Lucifer didn't announce it

"Oh, your right, I didn't really announce it didn't I.., well her names Charlie" He looked up at alastor

"What a lovely name, can be given to anyone no matter the gender" Alastor said, he recalled when Lucifer said that to him

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