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(A/N: Banger of a song!)

(Y/N) slowly awoken in his bed confused, he swore died but yet here he is laying in his bed like nothing happened, he checked where he was shot but found nothing.

(Y/N): Ughh, must have been a bad dream but it felt so real.

He got off his bed and opened the window to see it was morning roughly 6:10 am according to his clock but it was known to be a bit behind. He got dressed in normal clothing since he had the day off and he wasn't needed at the bugle today.

(Y/N): I missed these days off, no Jonah screaming in my ear and no problems.

He then left his room and entered the living room and went to the kitchen that was attached, in the middle of making breakfast he heard a familiar purring sound coming from his cat Corey.

(Cat) Corey: Meow.

(Y/N): I know buddy just give me a moment.

He finished making his breakfast but he didn't eat it yet because he was making Corey's breakfast and once he put Corey's food on the ground the kitty started eating while (Y/N) sat down and ate his breakfast while taking glances on his Black Cat with white paws.

Ever since adopting Corey since he got the job at the bugle just over 2 weeks ago, he has been a very chill cat unlike all those other cats you would see online acting crazy, Corey got stuck in a bag once but instead of freaking out, he was like 'really? I don't have the energy to deal with this bs' and (Y/N) had to help him out of the bag.

Finishing breakfast and sat on the couch and Corey laid on the arm rest while (Y/N) turned on the TV flicking through channels until he saw a news broadcast and it showed the same alley (Y/N) walked down in his "dream".

(Y/N): What the...

The news anchor said that there was a "worrying" amount of blood but with no trace of a body and they also shown parts of the buildings that were ruined by Venom moments after bonding with (Y/N).

(Y/N): I need to go on a walk.

Corey let out a confused meow while he watched his adopted father walk to the door of his apartment.

(Y/N): I will be back soon buddy.

With that (Y/N) walked out of the door and out into the busy streets on New York City.

Meanwhile Spiderman aka Peter Parker had just stopped a mugger that stole a woman's purse at a coffee shop.

Spiderman: *tisk* *tisk* *tisk* *tisk* Have you ever heard the saying "A man never looks in a woman's purse?" I'm a hundred percent sure that stealing one doesn't give you the right to look inside... Alright Ninety-seven percent sure. Here is your purse back ma'am.

Woman: Thank you so much Spiderman!

Just like that the web head was gone and continued his patrol until he landed on a building and he got a call from his girlfriend Mary Jane Watson.

MJ: Hey Pete!

Peter: Hi MJ! Are we still on for tomorrow?

MJ: Dinner at May's? I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Peter: Maybe my Parker luck is turning around.

MJ: It really is?

Peter: I said that outloud!?

MJ: Yep, I only called because have you seen the most recent police case about that shooting near the jewellery store?

Peter: Can't say that I have since after getting rid of the symbiote, I have been busy trying to fix my reputation y'know?

The Symbiote and The Cat (Symbiote Reader X Black Cat)Where stories live. Discover now