Beginning Of The End

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Inside Fisk Tower was the Kingpin himself looking out over the city of New York planning something in the shadows, a hired goon of Kingpin entered the room with a USB stick in hand.

Goon: Boss?

Kingpin: What is it, do you have news on the building I sent you to secure?

Goon: Sorry boss, we lost it last night but there's something on here that you will want to see.

Kingpin: Well then, let me see it.

As the goon went to put the USB into a projector that displayed security camera footage of Venom and Black Cat taking out the guards quietly.

Kingpin: This new Spiderman has aligned himself with my former employee.

Goon: But there's more you need to see.

The footage sped up to when the duo defeated all the goons except one, as he was taken out Fisk saw Venom's suit react to the steel pipes falling to the ground and transform into Venom's true form before running out of frame.

Kingpin: This "Venom" hero that everyone calls him seems to have a weakness.

Goon: We speculate that it might be the sounds from the pipes making impact boss and that thing that he turned into, we don't know what it was.

Kingpin: I want everyone to track down Black Cat, once we have her "Venom" will come for her. This maybe a new Spiderman but he is just as predictable as the others.

It was night time in New York as (Y/N) in his symbiote spider suit were clinging to the side of the wall over looking Central Park.

(Y/N): Corey's been fed and we got the whole night to stop bad guys.

Venom: Certainly but something else is on your mind isn't it?

(Y/N): Yes, what made Felicia attracted to me? Is she just using me for thrills?

Venom: She revealed her name and face to us, do you really think she would use you?

(Y/N): I don't know-

They then heard an alarm go off, it turned out that an art museum was being robbed, going inside saw a few cars cop cars pull up to the scene and entered the museum, but in the distance the symbiote hero saw a familiar sliver haired girl running from the scene.

(Y/N): She couldn't.

Without a second to think he swung after her going up a tall building he saw her sitting on a railing and behind her were some big air conditioning units and the painting she stole was on the ground below her.

Black Cat: Hello handsome.

(Y/N): Felicia, I thought you were done with stealing.

Black Cat: I never said that, besides you gave me such a good chase last time and I wanted to see you in the suit.

She got down off of the railing and ran her claw down his chest and squeezed his muscles that made (Y/N) face go bright red.

Black Cat: Meow, my kitty senses are purring just seeing you. I guess you want the painting back, go ahead but you owe me a date at my place.

(Y/N): *sigh* Alright, go head before we change our mind.

She giggles but she puts both of her arms around his neck stopping him from moving.

Black Cat: Venom could you please reveal my lovers lips.

Without hesitation the symbiote removed itself revealing (Y/N)'s lips and Felicia roughly kissed him as a police helicopter got there spot light on the two.

Black Cat: Sorry to do this but it needs to look real, I love you.

She then pulled out a smoke grenade and dropped it at her feet but it was a distraction as she delivered a swift kick to the hero taking him off his feet, as he got up and ran back in the smoke but ran through it with no sign of Felicia at all.

Venom: She's good.

The symbiote covered (Y/N)'s mouth again hiding his face as he shoots a web and gave a signal to the helicopter that everything is alright. The painting was returned to the museum and the symbiote hero headed back home after dealing with more criminals but no sign of Felicia.

(Y/N): Are we going too fast?

Venom: Still thinking about Felicia?

(Y/N): Yep, it seems like we are going too fast and I have never been in a relationship before.

Venom: You might be right about that, best to have this talk with her.

(Y/N): You're right, next time I see her I will talk to her.

Jonah: This just in Venom, the third menace to this city along side the Spidermen was seen late last night by police and none of you would believe it folks! Venom was seen by police helicopter of them kissing! It disgusts me! HOW CAN A HERO AND A THIEF HAVE ANY FORM OF RELATIONSHIP!? I THINK THIS IS THERE PLAN, BLACK CAT STEALS ARTIFACTS FROM HARD WORKING PEOPLE AND VENOM STOPS HER JUST SO THEY LOOK GOOD AND IF I SEE ANYONE "SHIPPING" THESE TWO I WILL- GRRR!!!

The podcast ends with Jonah losing his temper as (Y/N) was laying on his bed, luckily he had the day off and when he finished listening to the podcast and looked on social media he saw himself in his symbiote suit kissing Felicia, the news exploded as soon as it was released with millions of likes and comments about how cute they are as a couple.

(Y/N): "Black Cat x Venom 4ever"

Venom: These comments are weird.

(Y/N): Here's a worse one, "Soon we will have Black Cat and Venom babies saving the city".

Meanwhile Felicia was listening to the same podcast and her face was bright red to but she had a big smile on her face with pride. A few minutes later she was reading the comments as well as eating her food as Millie popped up on the table.

Millie: *meow*

Felicia: You already eaten Millie.

Millie: *meow*

Felicia: No treats either, I have to get more.

Millie: *meows in over dramatic*

Felicia: You're such a drama queen, why can't you be like (Y/N)'s cat.

Millie: *meows in disapproval and gets off the table*

She continued eating her food and she found the comment about her and (Y/N)'s kids saving the city one day and she couldn't help but like the comment as the blush on her face intensifies.

Back at Fisk Tower, the big man himself kept replaying the footage where Venom's suit reacted to the sound and transformed into Venom's true form until he heard a knock at his door.

Kingpin: Come in.

One of his goons walked in holding some sort of gauntlet.

Goon: It's done boss.

Kingpin: Good, I want him alive so don't over do it.

Goon: Yes boss, understood.

Once the goon left, Fisk got up from his desk and looked out of the window with a drink in his hand.

Kingpin: About time I pay little Felicia a visit.

The Symbiote and The Cat (Symbiote Reader X Black Cat)Where stories live. Discover now