Time with Felicia

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Back with (Y/N) and Felicia, they were still on the same rooftop when (Y/N) revealed Venom to Felicia and confessed his feelings to her.

Felicia: Phone please?

(Y/N): Why?

Felicia: I want to put my number in it.

Venom: Score!

Felicia: I definitely scored Venom.

(Y/N) hands over his phone and she gave it back with her number along with some emojis.

Felicia: Give me a call sometime, even if its for a booty call. *wink*

She then jumps off the edge before blowing (Y/N) a kiss and then she disappeared in the night, leaving (Y/N) a blushing mess.

(Y/N): D-did that just happen?!

Venom: It certainly did, I'm starting to like her.

(Y/N) and Venom swung to their apartment and got in bed after feeding Corey. Felicia was now dressed for bed in a black bra and panties, she was about to sleep until she heard a ding coming from her phone and she looked at her phone to see a message from (Y/N).

"Nighty night my favourite kitty and Venom says sleep well to."

Smiling she sends a kissing and cat emoji along with saving (Y/N)'s number in her phone.

Fast forward to the morning, (Y/N) would be at work but Jonah got so mad at a caller that was obsessed with getting the message that Spiderman isn't a menace and Jonah that it pumped his blood pressure so high that he needed to go home. Now Venom just stopped a speeding car by turning into Venom true form and picked up the car in mid drive, after that they watched as the criminals get taken in a cop car.

(Y/N): Nice work Venom.

Venom: We did a good job.

Just then they both heard someone land just to the side of them.

(Y/N): Hello Peter.

Peter: How did you know it was me?

(Y/N): The other Spiderman isn't as loud when landing.

Peter: Okay... I heard about last night at that construction building, did you find anything?

(Y/N): All we heard was a cop mentioned someone called "Kingpin".

Peter: Fisk.

(Y/N): You know him?

Peter: He's been planning to take me down for the longest time, when I had the symbiote I did work for him since I needed the money.

Just then Venom's head came out of (Y/N)'s shoulder as Peter had a bit of fear in his lenses.

Venom: You needed the money to support your relationship with a woman that only liked your friend.

Peter: That's low.

(Y/N): But its true, Venom showed me his memories.

Spiderman then took his mask off and the symbiote retracted itself around (Y/N)'s face.

Peter: I never got your name, since you know mine I should know yours.

(Y/N): Makes sense, my name is (Y/N).

Peter: Nice to meet you. How was your little talk with Black Cat?

(Y/N): Umm... I-it was great.

Peter: Your face is bright red.

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