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"A Series of More Unfortunate Events

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"A Series of More Unfortunate Events..."

Beatrice, my beloved.

My heart sounds for you,
My spirit is in search of you,

Though your spirit is dead.


Dear Reader,

If you believe for even a moment that anything you are about to embark on, discover, or understand is remotely pleasant, you are dreadfully mistaken. My name is Lemony Snicket, and my solemn duty is to meticulously document the series of unfortunate events that have befallen the Baudelaire and Quagmire orphans.

Indubitably, a word which here means "without a doubt," signifies that everything I recount henceforth is grounded in truth, no matter how dreadful it may be. Thus, I must advise all readers to avert their eyes, perhaps pick up a more cheerful book, and enjoy a lighter tale. However, for those who insist on continuing, I offer my deepest apologies, as this tale will undoubtedly wreck your evening, your whole life, and your day.

Yours in solidarity,

Lemony Snicket



Malina Weissman as Violet Baudelaire

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Malina Weissman as Violet Baudelaire

Louis Hayes as Klaus Baudelaire

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Louis Hayes as Klaus Baudelaire

Presley Smith as Sunny Baudelaire

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Presley Smith as Sunny Baudelaire

Presley Smith as Sunny Baudelaire

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You as Y/N Quagmire

Everyone else from the Netflix adaption as themselves!

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