Fourty-Five. Violent

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*Lore Sokolov*

She writhed under my hands as I nursed her clit, not letting up. "Lore." She panted so softly, her back lifting off the bed.

She groaned, her hands clutching the bedding, her hips rolling against my face.

"Lore?" She whispered.

"Yes baby?" I answered.

"I don't want to come yet." Her fingers were in my hair.

"Okay baby." I kissed over her clit, kissing her thighs.

She pulled at me to come up and I did, her arms wrapping around my neck as she kissed me.

She hummed, tasting herself on my tongue.

"What're you thinking?" I asked when our foreheads were together, her legs wrapped around my waist.

"That I'm ready." She answered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She panted.

She let me go, watching me as I sat back, on my knees.

I gently rubbed her pussy, licking my own fingers as I wet my cock.

She watched, her eyes focused and hungry.

I backed up, grabbing her ankles, pulling her down the bed into the middle.

I grabbed a pillow she previously had under her head and put it under her tailbone, lifting her up a bit to me.

I grabbed her thighs, pulling her closer to me.

I leaned down, kissing her lips, her forehead.

I adjusted myself.

"You alright, sweetheart?" I asked.

She chewed her lip.


She gasped, her hands coming to my shoulders.

I groaned as she clawed at my skin, easily finding a good rhythm, starting slow.

"You alright?" I asked, lifting her thighs over my shoulders.

"Oh fuck-" she cursed.

She felt so fucking good.

I kissed her, biting her lip as she dug her nails into my back with every thrust.

"I love you." She moaned, forcing a small laugh out of me.

I knew she'd be fine, but I wanted to make sure she was comfortable mentally beforehand.

"Faster-" she gasped.

I obliged.

She lifted her head, teeth in my shoulder.


"I need more." She squirmed for more movement under me.

"What kind of more?" I slowed.

"I don't know." She groaned angrily.

"Trust me?"

"Yes." She said without a second thought.

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