The Squid Squabble

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The lair was alive with the usual hum of activity. The four Turtles, April, and Bee were scattered around, each occupied with their own thing. Donatello was engrossed in his latest tech project, while Michelangelo was engrossed in a video game. Leonardo was practicing his katas, and Raphael was lounging on the couch, idly flipping through a fitness magazine Mikey had grabbed for him while dumpster diving.

April and Bee sat at the kitchen table with Donatello, chatting over cups of tea. The warmth of their friendship filled the room, blending seamlessly with the familial atmosphere.

"Hey, Donnie," April called out, breaking the comfortable silence. "Did you hear about Bee's date this weekend?"

Donatello looked up, curiosity piqued. "No, I didn't. Who's the lucky guy?"

Bee's face turned a shade pinker, and she averted her gaze with a bashful smile. "His name's Wade, he's from another school,"

Raphael's ears perked up at the mention. He distinctly remembered Bee saying something about the guy being from their school. Raphael narrowed his eyes slightly but kept silent. He didn't want to embarrass Bee or start a scene in front of everyone. Instead, he waited, biding his time until he could talk to her alone.

Later that evening, the lair had quieted down. Most of the group had dispersed, leaving Raphael and Bee in the common area. He seized the opportunity.

"Hey, Bee," he said, trying to sound casual. "Got a minute?"

Bee smiled at him warmly, "Sure, what's up?"

Raphael leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "I knew you were going on a date,But didn't you tell me he was from your school?"

Bee shifted uncomfortably. "Oh, did I say that? I must have confused my words around."

Raphael's brow furrowed. "Wow, you're a horrible liar..."

Bee's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and frustration.

"Why's it matter where he's from, anyway?" She asked, sounding irritated.

Raph's eyes widened in surprise, too baffled by the lie coupled with irritation coming from little-miss-sunshine to get angry. "It matters cause you're acting really weird about it,"

Bee looked away, clearly irritated. "Why is it so weird to not want to talk about something personal?"

Raphael's confusion only grew, and unintentionally so did his volume. "Why is this too personal, but telling us about how when you sneeze on your period you imagine you're a squid shooting out ink isn't?"

Bee's blush spread to the rest of her face as she let out an exasperated sigh, "Well...that's just biology, okay?!"

"You pretending like you're a squid is biology?!" He asked incredulously,

Their voices had grown loud enough to catch the attention of the others. Michelangelo paused his game, Donatello looked up from his project, and Leonardo stopped mid-kata, all eyes turning towards the escalating argument.

"Are squids a metaphor?" Donatello whispered to April, not looking away from the scene as she shrugged in response.

Bee threw her hands up in frustration, her voice rising. "Yes, it's biology! It's easier to talk about because it's just a fact of life. This is different!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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