Chapter 1 First Day morning 🤍

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Tim and Lucy are both in 12th grade it's the beginning of the school 🏫 year.AT LUCY'S HOUSE. Lucy wakes up at 6:30
To her alarm she got up in she went to the bathroom to get ready and she said to herself " it's going to be a good first day of school" in a tired tone. meanwhile AT TIM'S HOUSE .
Tim wakes up at 6:00 to his alarm he hurries up out of bed to get ready he brushes his teeth and hair,take shower the regular morning routine he was done so he went downstairs to eat breakfast and his mom said "good morning baby" and Tim said "good morning mom" Mrs. Bradford said "so are you excited about the first day of your last school year " she asked Tim replied "yeah"
Just the his little sister Ginny came down stairs and said "are you excited to see you girlfriend" she said in a teasing tone Tim said "shut up" Mrs. Bradford said " stop teasing you're brother" Ginny said " fine" Mrs. Bradford said " but are you I mean you two did text and call each other all summer long"
Tim said"I am but it wasn't that much"
Mrs. Bradford said "ok" and a sarcastic tone then she says to Tim "it's almost time for school go get your stuff so I can drop you off'.Meanwhile Lucy was done getting ready so she went downstairs to get some breakfast her mom was already ready done cooking breakfast so she ate her food and her mom said"you look beautiful"she said"thank you mom"Mrs.Chen said " are you going to be happy to see your boyfriend Tim"Lucy said "yes but am not going to be able to if I don't get there am going to be late".so they ran out the house to the car in drove to school.

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