Chapter 21 I can't believe it 💙

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After the call the doctor came to check her and she was 4 centimeters About 2 hours later Tim's parents and sister came Tim's dad stayed outside with Tim and the girls went in to see Lucy.

L-hi Mrs. Bradford.
TM-we're almost family call me Katie or kate.
L-ok hi gen.
K-how is the baby.
L-good they said the baby was 4 centimeters about 2 hours ago so am probably about 6 now because they said the baby is moving fast.

G-why are you so calm you're LITERALLY pushing out a baby.
L-well...I had a birth plan, am tried of being pregnant,and I also had a strong shot of epidural.

G-mom what's an epidural.
K- well and epidural is a good drug they give to pregnant women going into labor it makes it less painful for them.
G-ohh... am so excited to be an aunt.
L-oh really because I remember your reaction to finding out it was a boy.


Lucy and Tim had talked for 2 hours and argued for 1 then it was  settled Lucy was going to tell Genny about the gender because Tim would be to mean so Lucy took Genny to the mall then a hello Kitty cafe.

G-so what are you having.
L-a boy.
Genny cried and Lucy hugs her.
L-it's ok why are you crying.
G-because I wanted a girl it's not fair.
L-I did to but life isn't all fair and that's okay.
G- no but now am not going to have anyone to go to the mall or play dolls with.
L-trust me I will be here still you will have me ok I will play dolls with you we can still go to the the mall but I can't promise nothing will change because it will but we will still have are girl days .
G-ok but I still don't like the baby.
L-and you are perfectly fine to feel that way but... I have I tiny feeling you going to like the baby more then Tim and he really likes this baby.she said she hugged her rubbing her back.

~~~~~Flashback ended~~~~~

G-I still don't like it but am happy to get back to girl days.
L-me to.

They talk a bit more then the nurse comes to check Lucy and she was 8 centimeters Tim's parents and Gen went to the waiting room Lucy parents came next.

LM- lulu how are you.
L-good but the pain it powering through the epidural.
LM-oh little man must really want to come out.
L-daddy am so happy you're here.
LD-me to we would have been early but someone was trying  to pick out his first outfit.
LM-well my grandson has to look nice.
L-thank you mom.

They talk for a bit more the went to were Tim's parents were and waited will Lucy got checked it was time for her to push so Tim went to get his mom and her they came in and helped her after about 8 push he was out but the room was a dead silent there was no cry's.

Lucy started thinking she did something the doctors rush him to the table while Lucy started to cry and Tim after about 6 mins later still nothing.

Dr-okay so ms.Chen  your baby is alive and breathing but he won't cry like act all we tried everything to get him to cry but he's being stubborn.
LM- ok you need to get some cold water on a towel then calmly pat his feet.

They did as she said and he immediately started crying and screaming it was so loud but that was better the dead silent room they placed him on his mom chest and he stopped crying.

They did as she said and he immediately started crying and screaming it was so loud but that was better the dead silent room they placed him on his mom chest and he stopped crying

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7:28 pm
6 pounds 4 ounces
Leo Cole Jackson Chen-Bradford

Everybody got to met the newborn but let's just say that Genny was obsessed like Lucy knew she would most likely be.

L-you owe a shopping trip to target.
T-thanks Genny I can't believe this.
L-nothing he lost.

Yes I know the date do not match but I but it in my notes like 2 months so sorry but next chapter will be in today's time

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