Chapter 10 Ugh Why🤍

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It's been a month so now it's the end of February going into March.(not going with the actual time line we are🤭✨)

It was a Saturday night Tim and Lucy was at his house,his parents were out on vacation for 2 more days and said only Lucy can come over anyway Lucy and Tim were chilling in his bed Lucy was laying down in Tim was on the side of her with his head on her breast as she rubbed her fingers through his hair as they were watching inside out 2 .

L-you act like such a big bear but you're really a teddy bear.
T-I am NOT a teddy bear. He said in a calm but stern voice.
L-baby I love that about you and plus you better be a teddy bear when this baby comes out or we'll have a problem.

T-I won't I promise . They kissed and Tim rubbed her belly as she kept playing with his hair.
T-Lucy we have to tell are parents.
L-first we, we aren't doing anything you are and second we have an ultrasound in 3 days you'll tell them after.

T-ok but your showing and almost three months .
L-I know but-.she is interrupted by him kissing her.
L-Tim-am-not-forget.she gave in to the kiss in it got deeper than they take off there clothes he was on top of her then kissed down her body and started eating her out she got a call it was Celina she answered while Tim kept eating her out.

On the phone
Ce-hey Lu
L-hey what's up .
Ce-tomorrow night you want to do some baby online shopping.
L-yes but am kind of in the middle of something.

They hang up and Tim in Lucy have a nice night.

With Aaron and Celina...

They were at Aaron's house in Aaron room chilling on his bed watching Deadpool 2 and Aaron was on Celina's lap as she was sitting on the bed against the head broad and his head was on her little bump.

Ce-i think it's time to tell them am getting bigger and we have a OBGYN appointment tomorrow.
Aa-baby you are one to talk I was going to tell them last month but "NOO Aaron I think we should wait a little longer".he said quoting Celina.
Ce-and now it's time.she said rubbing the baby middle sized bump.

They kiss and Aaron lays next to her in places his hand on her belly they lay there for maybe 15 minutes.

Ce-babe can you come with me to get some snacks.
Aa-Celina your are-.he stared in her dark brown eyes and her cute face.-so beautiful carry out baby I will go with you.

It's been like that a lot recently Aaron letting Celina's pretty face get away with stuff or trick him into stuff he would usually said no to or not do.

They went to sleep.

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