Chapter 3 cabin trip part 1💙

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2 days later

They woke up in went to the airport they met their groups.Group 1
wasAngela,Wesley,Nyla,James,Celina,Aaron,and,Lucy,Tim.Group 2 was jasmine,Christina,Abby,and there boyfriends ,gram,Kevin and Christina is a lesbian so her girlfriend gabby.they all got on the plane in it took 6 to 7 hours to get there but.

When the did they drove to the cabin there was to teachers one for each group in luckily the where cool so the was 2 cabins one for the teachers and the one for the students the teachers let them pick the people they wanted to be in a room with of course Tim in Lucy chose each other and the rest of the students chose .

Anyway it was time for dinner they had pizza and went upstairs to get ready for bed.
Tim & Lucy room
L-am tired
T-I know it been a long day
L-it really ha-(she gets cut off by  the sound upstairs it was a Angela and Wesley's room there having sex)
Lucy and Tim look at each other
T-are they having sex
L-I think so speaking of it-
T-I know Lucy you're not ready it's ok no need to rush.
He sits down on the bed next to her in hugs her after they sit.
L-I know what I said but I think I was just scared.
T-so you're saying you want to have sex.
T-well am ready when you are.
L-how about tomorrow night.
T-sounds great I just wish you would've told me before we left I would have bought protection.
T-yeah in less you're on the pill.
T-then seriously we don't need any kids .
L-your right
T-I know
L-don't be cocky about it.
T-but you love it when I am.
He kisses her in they go to bed
The next morning
Tim in Lucy are the first to go downstairs then Angela and Wesley join then the rest they have breakfast and enjoy there day.

It's now night time the boys ran to the store to get condoms and drinks in let's just say all of them got XL and up anyway they got back and all the girls were in the hot tub wearing sexy swimsuits and bikinis in they wear so sexy a few of the boys got a boner .
An-guys get in
The guys got in next to there girlfriends .

Ja-we should play truth or dare but you only get 5 truths.
The all agreed.

An-ok jasmine truth or dare
An- ok I dare you to kiss other girl in here for 2 minutes.
Ja-really fine I guess Abby.
They stand up and start kissing passionately for two minutes.
Ab- ok Tim truth or dare.
T- dare
Ab- hmm I dare you to touch Lucy's tits.

Tim looks at Lucy she gives him the approval so he does.
T-hmm Celina truth or dare.
T-I dare you to sit on Aaron's lap for the rest of the game.
So she did but after like 10 minutes she felt something long,big,and hard pushed against her pussy she looked back at Aaron and whispered to.

Ce-is that you
Aa-yes sorry
Ce-it's ok you want to take this to the room.
Aa-yes but are you sure
So they go up to the room and yk.
Back to the game.
Ch- someone's going to get laid.
Then Tim in Lucy remembered what tonight was.

Lu-sorry guys me and Tim have to go.
As she pulled him out and up to the bedroom once they got there...

Wait for part 4 it may or may not be spicy ...
Here is a few pictures so you can get the story better:)

This is the cabin.

This is the cabin

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