Chapter 18 almost there💙

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1 month later...

Celina is going to here last doctors appointment and Aaron had to got to a class so Lucy went with her.

Lucy still had 1 more left that was next week .

They were waiting in the waiting room then they called Juarez in they followed the doctor in the room.

Dr-ok you're getting your last check today right .
Dr-an it seems you brought another beautiful pregnant lady.
L-thank you am Lucy .
Dr-nice to meet you should we get started.

She lifted her shirt up to see the big belly the doctor did the ultrasound.

Dr-ok everything is good except for one tiny thing.
Ce-what is it . She said in a worrying voice.
Dr- your 3 centimeters dilated so you are in pre- labor but in about 10 hours you're water should break the baby is coming a little early than expected but your baby seems to be fully grown and healthy so you'll be fine.(BTW the doctor was a woman not that it matters)

It took about 3 minutes of Celina to process the information She was having the baby today or tomorrow OMG the babies coming .

They got the pictures then drove back to Celina's house to Tim and Aaron after they got there they talked for a minute then Lucy and Tim left.

Aa- guess what my mom sent over.


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Ce-wow this is so gorgeous.
Aa-just like you.

The kiss and the go to the baby's room to but it on her wall we the do Celina hurry up's in says it.

Ce-when I went to the doctor that said that everything is fine also the baby is coming today or tomorrow am 3 centimeters dilated and in 10 hours my water may break and am really worried I feel like we're missing something . She said really fast and started crying.

He went over to hugged her .

Aa-everything is fine and done.
Ce-I know but am really scared.
Aa- that's normal.
Aa-now come on let's go get you some cereal and ice cream.he said wiping her tears.

That's it exactly what they did.

At Lucy's house...

When they got back Tim told her he had a surprise in the nursery when she went in she was shocked.

When they got back Tim told her he had a surprise in the nursery when she went in she was shocked

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Was right on the wall along with some other pictures.

L-this is amazing.
T-I know your mom dropped it off while you were gone.
L-that was so nice of her am gonna call her.

She called her mom and thanked her the cuddled with Tim for the rest of the night.

What do you think Celina and Aaron's baby girl name is?

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