Chapter Four

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"Sit down Ellen." Harry says when I come back from lunch. I found a bagel bar just two blocks away, which I will definitely be going back to... "Ellen?!" He snaps, interrupting my dreams of another cream cheese bagel.

"Sorry." I sit down opposite him. We really need to straighten things out. I don't really know what he wants me to do in this job, I barely know anything about him.

"I hired you to be my assistant. And so far the only thing you've assisted me in is annoying my arse."

"But I-"

"Shush." He cuts me off. Asshole. "What I need you to do in this job is to simply keep this establishments affairs and budgets in order. Can you do that?"

"Yes, of course." I have a degree in business and art, how exactly does he think I got that if I couldn't?

"And I didn't carry out a face to face interview for this job, so I'd like to do a quick one now... to get to know you a little." He says and something flashes in his eyes, something I can't quite catch. So I nod in response.

"So, Ellen..." I loved the way my name sounded in his British accent. "You moved here from Cleveland?"

"Yes I did."


"For this job. For a new life really."

"Are you running from something? Trying to get away from your deep dark past?" He taps the pencil he's holding between his finger off his bottom lip.

"What? No?" What sort of assumption is that?

"Good. So Ellen, do you have a boyfriend?" His brow raises. I shift uncomfortably in the chair. This isn't the type of 'interview' I was expecting...

"Yes I do, his names Scott... He's back in Cleveland."

"I bet he's a prick." he mumbles under his breath.

"Excuse me?" I snap. "You know I'm sure there are plenty of other girls in this goddamn city who would gladly take your bullshit, but I'm not one of them! If we are to work together I would like some respect!"

By the time I finish my speech, his eyes are wide and I'm out of breath.

"You'll get respect if you earn it." he retaliates.

"I shouldn't have to." I fire back.

He seems to think for a moment before putting on a very intense face and commanding me to type up a spreadsheet for this month. He walks out and I'm left alone with my work.

What an asshole. An absolute horrible person. If that's how he treats his employees, I can't see myself working here for very long.

By the time I've finished my work, it's time for me to go home. I can't find him anywhere so I decide to leave him a note... it doesn't feel right to just up and leave without telling him. Not that he deserves to be told anyway.

I scribble my message down on a yellow sticky note and stick it to his desk.

I walk down the stairs towards the door when I hear my name being called from behind me, I turn to see Zayn. Finally, some decent company.

He's pulling on a leather jacket while trying to wave, nearly stumbling coming down the stairs.

"Hey Ellen! I was wondering if you'd want to come for drinks with me later? Seeing as you're new to the city, I thought I'd take you out? I'll introduce you to some of my friends?" He smiles.

I can actually feel happiness wash over me. I forgot what it's like to have a civilised conversation with a nice person.

"I'd love to Zayn!" I smile back just as eagerly. "what time, and where?"

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