Chapter Fifteen

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2K THANK YOU! This chapters gonna be a... Special one. Please leave a comment, and vote if you can!! LoVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH! -c

I wake up to a rustling noise. My eyes slowly open, blinking to rid them of sleep I sit upright in the bed. The thick curtains are still drawn, the room is still dark. I can make out Harrys figure sitting at the bottom of the bed.

"What're you doing?" I ask, my voice laced thick with sleep. He's a little startled but turns around, stands and walks over to me.

"Nothing baby, go back to sleep." His voice is sof and calming, like a lullaby.

"What time is it?" I ask, stretching my arms out. I turn on table lamp beside me so I can see him clearly.

"Three thirty." He runs his hand through his hair, pacing a little back and forth.

"Why are you awake?"

"Jesus Ellen can you stop with the questions?" He snaps. I frown. Not fully awake and being shouted at isn't all that great. He sighs loudly. "Sorry. I couldn't sleep, I was going to go for a walk or something."

My eyes flick up to look at him, did he really just aplogise? I can't hide my smile. "I'll go with you then." I toss the covers off and make for my jeans.

"Ellen go back to sleep for gods sake." He laughs as I wriggle my jeans up my legs. The denim is cold against my skin, making me feel like I should just get back into bed, but I'm awake now. I tuck my white bedshirt into the jeans and then turn to Harry.

"Well then, let's go?!" I smile.

He shakes his head, smirking at me.

As we make our way out the door and onto the sidewalk, he drapes his arm over my shoulder and squeezes me into him. "You're batshit crazy, you know that right? Its 3am and you're going for a walk."

"Hey! It was your idea!" I laugh as we pass through the almost deserted streets. "Can we get some coffee?" I whine, hoping he brought his wallet with him, because I didn't bring mine. I'm such an airhead sometimes.


Two caramel latés later and we're sitting on a bench, looking out at the twinkling city. His arm is still around my shoulders and my head is resting comfortably on his shoulder. Its silent and peaceful. So much better than sleeping.

"Do you ever get lonely, in your apartment by yourself?." He breaks the silence, looking down at me through sparkling eyes.

"Sometimes. I like living by myself though." I reply to his odd question. "What about you?"

"Me? Nah. I've always got someone around at my place." He says. My heart sinks. I know he doesn't mean his friends. He probably has a different girl every night. Or at least every week.

I keep quiet after, incase I say the wrong thing. But soon, I forget my no speaking motion.

"I had fun these past few days." I say, feeling a shiver go down my spine as I watch a tiny sliver of pink rise from the bottom of the horizon.

"Me too actually. I really am sorry about the whole Scott thing. I mean, I'll be fucked if I didn't think he was an asshole, but you must be sad,"

"Honestly. I'm not." I sigh. It feels good to say it. He looks at me like I've grown horns. "Oh come on. The very fact that I cheated on him proves that I didn't love him." I say.

"That's a little harsh." He says, obviously shocked.

"Coming from the fucking king of harshness himself." I snort.

"Alright bitch," he smiles, nudging my cheek with his fist gently. I laugh loudly, making him cover my mouth with his hand. "Shut up. We're the only two people awake in Seattle right now." His eyes turn up as he smiles. He's adorable.

I decide to do something. Something I haven't ever done. Certainly something I didn't plan on doing. I remove his hand from my mouth and pull his head down to mine, taking him by surprise and kissing him.

I feel him smile into the kiss. One hand slide into his hair and the other dangles round his neck. He pulls me into his lap and I place one knee either side of him.

His skin is freezing and shaking, but his breath is warm and steady. Its an odd mix, but one that feels entirely intoxicating. For some reason, unknown to me, we both pull away laughing. He keeps his hands on my bum and I place my hands on his shoulders. I dip my head down, watching him as he bites his lip slightly. He takes my chin between his forefinger and thumb and kisses me very gently on the lips, no tongue, no desperation. Just a sweet, delicate peck. And it feels better, more exhilarating than any heavy makeout we've ever had.

"Come on. Let's get you back to bed, yeah?" He smiles sleepily.

We walk back to the hotel room, hand in hand. He shuts the door and then walks to me, giving me another peck. His hands move to my jeans, he undoes the button, then looks to me for permission. His eyes plead with me, and I allow them their want.

He tugs my jeans down and I clumsily step out of them. He's obviously aware of my lack of experience. He lays me down on the bed, kissing my neck, my collar bones and my jaw. "Harry." I breath as he sucks harshly on a spot that sends me crazy.

"You don't know how much I've wanted to do this Ellen." He says in between giving my neck hot, sloppy kisses.

My hands tangle into his hair, tugging gently on his thick curls. I feel him press his groin against mine and I moan in pleasure.

"I'll make you feel better than he ever did." He says, prising my shirt open and then moving on to my bra. I hesitate and he notices. He frowns and doesn't try to take it off. "Another time." He smiles, reconnecting our lips.

His fingers, although rough move down my skin in the most delicate of ways. He slowly, torturingly even, trails his fingertips from my chest all the way to the hem of my panties. He hooks a finger around the material, tugging it to the side and slowly starts touching me.

I bite my lip and shut my eyes as he movements become faster and faster. I feel a pressure build within me as he rubs and kisses me at the same time. I screw my eyes shut when a feeling of pleasure washed over me like a wave.

"Open your eyes. I want to see you." He says, slowing down his rubbing and making the feeling become less strong. Desperate for his touch, I peel my eyes open and look at him.

His straining muscles in his arm and the way his lip is between his teeth does it for me. The feeling peeks, sending me over the edge and beyond. I call his name as I come down from my high.

He moves off me as I lay exhausted beside him. That was the best feeling I've ever experienced. And for him to make me feel like that is... Well its unimaginable.

"That was.. amazing." I breath, looking over at him. His face has a smug and proud grin painted on it.

"Go to sleep." He demands, but in a sweet way. I nod, I need sleep now more than ever. He pulls the covers up for me to climb underneath. I watch closely as he takes off his jeans and climbs in beside me, wearing just a black T-shirt and snug boxers.

I turn around, so my back is to him. In the process of shifting around, my leg accidentally brushes up against his. "Sorry." I murmur. Why do I feel embarrassed about touching his leg when I just let him touch me like that?

He pulls my leg back, trapping it between both of his. I smile, knowing he can't see me and fall asleep beside him for the second time in one night.

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