Chapter Twelve

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I walk into the breakfast room, the scent of frying bacon and fresh bread filling my nostrils. I look around, looking for Harry. When I woke this morning, he was gone.

I feel uneasy. I assumed if I knew where I stand with him, I'd be at peace. But I'm not.

"Ellen!" I spin round on my heel to see Tony coming towards me. Great.

"Morning." I smile politely, he's wearing a green sweater over a green and yellow checked shirt. Not attractive.

"Come sit." He guides me by snaking his arm around my waist and ushering me towards a table with only two places set out.

"Have you seen Harry?" I ask, looking over my shoulder. If you're ever going to show up Harry, I think to myself, let it be now.

"Nope." He smiles. I flippantly check my phone and notice I have an incoming call. I hit the answer button and silently excuse myself from Tony's company. He frowns but I walk away before he has the chance to speak.

"Momma?" I say. I've never been happier to answer her call.

"Hi Ellen! How's the conference going?" She asks, I make my way out of the breakfast room and towards the elevator. I pause before stepping in, remembering last night.

"Good, I'm just in the elevator to go downstairs," I hit the ground button and the elevator begins moving downward. "Better phone signal." I conclude.

"The elevator? You? Well, you have changed a lot haven't you!" She laughs.

"Actually, last night Harry- never mind. I'm just getting better with heights." I change my course of conversation. The elevator stops and I step out with ease, I walk over to the seat beside the window, looking at the busy streets while talking to my mother.

"Scott said he had a brilliant time!" She exclaims. I smirk, knowing very will brilliant isn't exactly the right word.

"Yeah, it was nice." I say nonchalantly. "We had a small argument but we got over it." I keep the details to a minimum.

"Oh?" She pries. I knew she would.

"I'm pretty sure you know what for?" I hint. "He did call you about it!"

"Call me? Honey, Scott didn't call me at all?" She says, her voice laced in inquisition.

"Where the hell were you?!" I hear another voice come at me in the form of Harry. I look at him with my mouth open. Caught between two conversations.

"Momma I'll call you back." I say and hang up immediately. "What do you mean where was I?" I snap.

"I left you in the hotel room, I come back and you're gone. I fucking scour the breakfast room and you're gone?!" He growls.

"You don't have to keep tabs on me Harry?" I raise my brows. I truly don't understand him.

"Yeah well there's a lot of shitty people here and I wanted to know you're safe." He says and my heart beats a little harder.

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger. "You confuse me so much sometimes."

"I know I do." He seems to be in thought before snapping out of it. "By the way, your cab is coming in fifteen minutes."

"My cab?" I ask, stressing the my. "You're not coming with me?"

"I have work to do. Just take the day off tomorrow, I won't be back anyway." He stands up and I mirror his actions.

I follow him up to our room, I notice my suitcase is sitting on my bed and all my stuff is gone from the bathroom.

"You packed for me?"

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