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Spencer was younger, around eight with a boy next to her about a year older than her. They were surrounded by people shouting and kids screaming and crying for their parents. 

“How are we gonna get past them?!” She shouted to the boy next to her. 

“Push through and don't let go of each other!” He shouted back, grabbing her hand. 

They began pushing through struggling because of the adults that were trying to shove their own children through. As they were pushing through they passed a woman with a small boy that seemed to be the same age as her. 

He was crying and stuffing his face into her collar but he caught Spencer’s attention as she stopped moving. The boy she was holding hands with moved back to her shaking her slightly. 

“You can't help him, his mother can but not us! We need to get ourselves safe first!” He shouted to her. 

She swallowed thickly and nodded, going back to pushing through everyone. They reached a metal fence that they could just get their heads over. Guards were reaching over and taking screaming and crying kids from their parents. 

“Over here!” The boy shouted, encouraging her to join him. 

“Help! Kids! Over here!” The two shouted as loud as they could, grabbing one guard's attention. 

“Where's your parents?” The guard asked. 

“Dead,” The boy answered, “Please you have to help us. We’ll die otherwise.” 

The guard looked to the others and then back to them, he nodded and picked the girl up helping her over before doing the same to the others. 

“Go that way!” He ordered them and pointed towards the containment trucks. 

The two began running when she heard a boy's voice shout out for his mom. She stopped looking and saw the same boy as earlier, he was fighting against the guards trying to get back to a woman she assumed was his mom. 

She let go of the other boy's hand and ran over to the boy, she grabbed his hand pulling him away from the guards, “Come on! You're not safe here!” 

The boy sniffled looking back at the woman and then to the girl before nodding, “Okay..” He sniffled, his voice weak and low. 

“You'll be safe with me and my brother I promise, I promise you..” She trailed off when she remembered she didn't know this boy's name. 

“Thomas.” He said, running with her to the older boy, “My names Thomas.” 

Spencer gasped as she woke up looking around to see she was somewhere completely different. She sat up looking around seeing Newt next to her whilst the others were sitting around the room.

“And there's one alive.” He said to the others. 

Surprisingly she let out a small chuckle and took his hand that he had held out to help her up. Once she was up she looked around properly, Thomas and Brenda were still unconscious, the man from earlier was tied up on a chair, Teresa was next to Thomas and Jorge was checking on Brenda. 

“Nice to have you back in the land of the living.” Minho said, patting her back and handing her the belt with her daggers and machete. 

“Nice to be back.” She responded, clipping it back onto her waist. “Why’s he tied up?” 

“Meet Marcus, the guy we’re gonna get answers from and kill if he doesn't.” Jorge explained squeezing her shoulders and moving to Marcus. 

“I knew you were lying.” Spencer gritted her teeth glaring at him. 

“Of course the feisty one woke up first.” Marcus whined, shaking his head, “Why couldn't it be the dumb boy.” 

“I think that's your new nickname ‘The feisty one’.” Minho chuckled, “Everyone we have met has called you it.” 

Spencer shrugged with a smile before turning back to Marcus with a glare, “So if he doesn't talk we get to beat him up?” She asked Jorge. 

“Yep.” He nodded, popping the ‘p’. 

“Good.” She looked at Marcus with a smirk making him swallow thickly. 

“Hey, hey, you're okay.” Teresa reassured with her hands on his shoulders as he woke up. 

“Welcome back you ugly shank.” Minho says standing next to Teresa. Thomas sits up looking a little out of it. 

He looked over at Brenda who had woken up not long after Spencer. Then he looked over to Spencer who was avoiding eye contact and leaning over a beaten up Marcus. 

“I suggest that you talk! You son of a bitch!” Jorge yelled. 

Spencer punched him in the face straight on the nose causing it to bleed even more than before. 

Marcus groaned as her punches were definitely not sweet and gentle, “I'm sorry youre going to have to leave my house.” He says looking over at Jorge. 

“Looks like you've been having fun.” Newt says who was sitting next to Aris. 

“Listen, I don't enjoy hurting you. Her,” Jorge gestures to Spencer, “I can't say that she doesn't. So answer me this. Where is the Right Arm Marcus?” He asks, ignoring the kids behind them. 

“Wait, this is Marcus?” Thomas asks, stepping forwards. He looks at Marcus with confusion and anger. 

“The kid catches on quick.” Marcus says, looking at Thomas. He laughs before continuing, “Are you the brains of the operation?” 

Spencer stabbed her dagger into his hand not looking back behind them. 

“Dammit!” Marcus yelled trying not to scream but letting out a frustrated groan. 

“You talk so much but can't answer a simple question.” She hissed, twisting the dagger. 

“I know you know where they're hiding. You tell me and I'll make you a deal.” Jorge pauses thinking of something, “You can come with us.” 

He laughs once again, “I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I make my own deal. You're the one who taught me to not miss an opportunity.” 

“What's he talking about?” Newt asked, lifting his head up. 

“I'm talking about supply and demand.” Marcus answers, “Wicked wants all the immunes they can get. I provide that for them. So I lure the kids in, they get drunk, have a good time and then later Wiced come in. They separate the weak from the chaff.” 

Jorge looks to Spencer nodding before looking at Marcus, “I changed my mind hermano. I do like hurting you.” Spencer pulled the dagger out of his hand and Jorge kicked Marcus making him and the chair fall to the floor. “Talk!” He yelled, pulling his gun out of his pocket and pointing it towards Marcus’ head. “Talk!” Jorge repeated. 

“Okay, Jesus. But I'm not making any promises.” Spencer and Jorge picked the chair back up as Marcus continued to speak, “These guys they like to move around a lot. They have an outpost in the mountains but it's a long way away. And you've got half of Wicked on your ass, you're never gonna make it.” 

“Jorge stays quiet for a second, “Not on foot.” He leans closer to Marcus slapping his hands on his arms with a grin. “Where's Bertha?” 

Marcus looks at Jorge pleadingly, “No please. Not Bertha.” He pleads. 

Jorge nods, “Yes Bertha.”

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