Chapter 19: Cream buns

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Harry ducks his head into the library room. "Put the books away, we still have a park visit today."

Tom looks up. "What? But we just interacted with people."

"Unspeakables don't count," Harry says happily. "Oh, don't make those cute miserable faces, your pain only makes me happier," he laughs.

Tom frowns. "Half a park visit."

"Half a visit if you play one game with the other kids."

"Or," Gellert cuts in. "You can push us on the swings."

Which means that not only do the boys not have to interact with the other brain-dead kids, but also Harry will be too busy playing with them to talk to the other adults. Tom approves of the plan so Gellert takes over since he's better at convincing Harry to do things.

"You don't play with us in the park," Gellert points out. "The other children are loud and boring and want to do silly games. Can't we just take a day off to do something nice together?"

Harry hesitates. "Are you doing this to get out of the park visit or do you really want to talk?"

Gellert taps on the cover of his book and pauses for a moment. "I've been doing some things behind your back because I didn't want you to know if it failed. It was successful so I would like to tell you now."

Harry smiles. "Okay. How about we all take a walk around the neighbourhood instead and you can tell me."


It's a nice day out and Gellert walks on Harry's left, arms out so he can balance on the curb as he chatters away. Tom walks on the right, a smaller snake wound around his wrist. Death is in his child form and following along behind them, light brown hair and green eyes like Harry.

Gellert throws up a silencing spell and explains his potions sales, promising Harry will get a cut for the sort-of intellectual property after the hospital finally signs the contract. They go back and forth for a bit about donating Harry's portion to the Wizarding Child Services until Gellert gives in and promises he'll donate money.

Gellert also briefly and vaguely explains he's really interest in rune work and has been talking with the other Unspeakables about taking on a small research project about construction.

"When did you first meet the Unspeakables?" Harry wonders. "You both seem rather comfortable around the department."

"Remember all those times you had to stop a murder or something and ran off with the dark creature?" Gellert says, gesturing behind them at Death. "Your Unspeakable isn't good at babysitting and just dumps us on his minions."

Harry looks at Tom. "What have you been doing then? If you want to tell me."

"Writing papers," Tom says slowly. "I have a few but I don't want to publish them because that would get too much attention, and I want to have the freedom to do certain things that being well known would hinder. I've been thinking of a pseudonym but..." Tom peers up at Harry. "Can I use your name?"

"Sure," Harry says easily, thinking he just barely managed to edge around the Lord Voldemort matter. "But if anyone asks about your work, I'll be very confused."

Gellert hops over and hugs Harry's arm. "Just say it's confidential." The blond leans around Harry to peer at Tom. "I can't believe you're really going to hide it until, what, you graduate? You'll lose so much time if you wait to build contacts."

"I don't need commercial opportunities more than I need a good reputation," Tom retorts. "Child prodigies are unnatural. I'm going to be good, but not so good that people will have their guard up."

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