Chapter 44: 9 3/4

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Credence is one month older than Gellert, who is three months older than Tom.

All of them are eleven years old now.

Platform 9 and ¾ is chaotic as always during the new school year. Tom is clutching his new yew and phoenix feather wand but he also brought his knife, Gellert still has the elder wand instead and Credence has ended up with what should be Gellert's wand – not that Credence can even use magic.

It took quite the planning to get Credence up to a level where he can fake basic spells with his dust and no one is certain if he'll even be allowed past the Hogwarts wards considering how he's an abomination to magic itself but the automatic Hogwarts letter still came so maybe it'll be fine?

Albus definitely did something in the background so even if they're caught it shouldn't be too bad. Either way, Credence can't feasibly do more than fake second year spells so he'll probably drop out when his (younger) brothers do.

Tom and Gellert are actually going straight into fifth year because they have to get their OWLS 'properly' since Britain doesn't accept distance schooling for such an important exam. The two need their OWLS and NEWTS to be done at a respectable school to get them into places publicly, they can't always go through back channels.

So the two decided to go with Credence and will be bored the whole time with their actual education level well above anything Hogwarts could give them but they have the portkeys to leave for their research during breaks in the day.

Harry hugs Tom and proceeds to pull out about a dozen shrunken snakes from various pockets. "Snakes aren't an allowed pet, don't push it," Harry says.

"Gellert gets the wendigo!" Tom protests. "I'm not allowed snakes but he gets Mooney?"

Harry blinks. "No. No, he does not get a giant man-eating wolf thing."

Gellert gives Tom a glare and Credence pretends he's not involved in the situation.

Harry turns to the blond. "Did you transfigure your three-meter-tall wolf into a small owl?"

The owl in the cage on top of Gellert's trunk barks, a deeply reverberating sound that makes the crowd around them flinch back.

"No," Gellert says.

Harry sighs. "Tom, you get one snake, pick wisely."

Tom takes back the most venomous one, because of course he does.

Harry pets Credence on the head. "And do you have Schrodinger all set?"

Credence nods then visibly hesitates because he hasn't really taken to Gellert's master class on manipulation. "Um, I..."

"What did they make you do?" Harry asks kindly.

"They put Dnoces in my trunk," Credence admits.

Tom and Gellert boo him. Harry then spends the next twenty minutes riffling through Credence's seven-drawer, expanded trunk because Tom and Gellert hid a lot of things in there expecting Harry would go through their trunks but not Credence's.

Tiny dragon in one hand, pockets full of snakes and a pile of dangerous and illegal items from books to potions at his feet, Harry raises an eyebrow. "How were you even going to feed a dragon?"

No one says anything because Harry will just get more upset.

"You'll last a month and then I'll get an owl about you three being expelled," Harry complains.

"Ridiculous," Gellert scoffs. "I'm excellent at alibis."

Harry puts the tiny dragon on his shoulder where it clings to the fluffy jumper before kneeling down to hug Credence and Gellert, Tom backing away quickly in case Harry goes for his pockets again.

"Don't let building an army distract you from keeping your grades up, okay Tom and Gellert? I'm expecting perfect scores in everything -don't skip assignments even if they're boring- and no dead bodies," Harry says, rubbing his cheek against Credence's. "Credence, you just do your best and don't let them bully you."

"But if we get rid of the corpses..." Gellert muses.

"Please don't use Credence as a garbage bin," Harry lectures. "He is not there to eat your leftover evidence, treat your brother with respect."

"But if it's not Credence-" Tom begins.

"Leave the basilisk alone."


Long after the train pulls away from the station, Credence is still mournfully looking out of the window and if he was human enough to cry, his eyes would be tearing up.

"You can go back literally any time you wanted," Tom snaps, sitting next to Credence by the door. "We clocked your fastest speed at well over the sound barrier, it'll take you half an hour at most to fly back home in your real form."

"I know," Credence mumbles sadly. "I just miss Harry already."

Gellert claps his hands from the seat across. "Distraction time! I'll be going to Gryffindor because that suits my new façade perfectly. Tom, I'm assuming Slytherin. Credence, do you think you can manage Hufflepuff or should I spell the Sorting Hat for you?"

"Why would we put him in Hufflepuff?" Tom asks, eyebrows drawing together. "We should keep him with one of us in case he gets attacked because he's so disgusting."

Credence makes a noise like he's thinking of protesting, but that's only because Harry doesn't like it when Credence is insulted.

"He'll be introduced to everyone at the Great Hall," Gellert explains. "They'll react then and we can pull it out at the root, but also make a statement about how powerful and intelligent we are – two birds with one Obscurus."

Tom contemplates this. "Fine, I'll allow him to go to Hufflepuff but if anyone tries something he'll have to start sleeping in our rooms lest he accidentally dissolves someone."

Credence picks at the material of his robes. "Harry was...I like Gryffindor."

"Dear brother, you're not a Gryffindor," Gellert laughs. "But I'll let you wear my scarf and tie if you want to play dress up."

"You're not a G-Gryffindor...either," Credence winces, running out of steam halfway.

"I will be by the time the train ride ends," Gellert lectures. "My new image isn't going to be cute and sweet anymore. I'm almost a teenager so I'll be going for charming and friendly, the kind where everyone likes me - but no one is really my friend. I couldn't possibly keep that up if I had to make real friends."

Tom tilts his head. "If you're playing perfect student that means I don't have to, I can just ask you to charm teachers for me if needed. But I suppose I'll have to tone myself down either way."

"Focused on schoolwork and aloof?" Gellert wonders.

"I wonder if that's too cliché," Tom tsks. "I could use Credence as a buffer. Maybe very family-focused? Only talks with my brothers? Our little dust bunny will be needing tutoring anyway."

"You could even throw in some shyness!" Gellert cheers, really getting into it. "That's a great card to pull out, people love a bit of handsome intellectual with a soft side."

"Don't say that like I'll need to seduce someone," Tom complains in disgust.

"You never know," Gellert argues. "Dating is a part of the game, and having a past history with desirable people will, in turn, make you more desirable. Plus, Harry would be surprised if I brought home a girl, that'd be funny."

Credence blinks. "Harry would be very surprised because he says you're gay."

There's a long, stunned pause.

Gellert opens his mouth, closes it and then tries again. "I'm sorry, why would Harry know that?"

Tom just shrugs. "Maybe you're open about it in his timeline?"

"Aren't I four generations older than him?"

"Very open about it."

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