Chapter 38: 'Credence'

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Harry stumbles towards the door late at night after wishing all the snakes goodnight – each and every one of the now forty-six reptiles because they get upset if Harry doesn't and will invade his bed.

So Harry is tired and sleepy and honestly forgot he agreed to take on another kid. He reaches the door and something tells him to stop. He pauses, wondering who would be knocking at his door this late, instead of barging in like the Unspeakable normally does.

Harry waits just in front of the door for a long moment, tense for a reason he doesn't quite understand. What's wrong? Something is wrong.

"It's me," Albus calls out softly. "Harry, what you're feeling, please try to ignore it."

Harry fingers twitch but he makes the conscious decision to not summon the elder wand. He pulls open the door and -forgetting he agreed to take another kid- just kind of stares at Albus while holding the door open.

There's a boy standing beside the Dark Lord, head tilted down and shoulders hunched. The same size as Tom and Gellert but with none of the overwhelming confidence so he seems much smaller. The boy's straight hair looks black but he moves his head slightly and the light from the house catches, turns the colour a deep russet. He peeks up at Harry through a thick fringe, with big and blank grey eyes.

"This is Credence," Albus introduces, head high and expression closed off. He blinks and finally seems to realise he's talking to Harry, turning apologetic as his posture relaxes. "Sorry for the late hour, this is rather urgent."

"I wasn't doing anything," Harry reassures, stepping back and ushering them through. "Just goodnight kisses."

Albus raises an eyebrow. "For the boys?"

"The snakes," Harry sighs and looks past the two as they file into the house. Harry scans the street, still isn't sure why he feels so sick. "Why do I-"

Credence walks past, ushered in front of Albus, and Harry breathing stutters – choking him.

"Stay further away, it's bleeding through," Albus murmurs. "I need to put up proper wards, as soon as possible."

"Is it a curse?" Harry asks, not understanding but closing the door and shooing them upstairs.

"It's-" Albus looks down at Credence, who curls in on himself more. "I'll explain later."

When they get to the second floor landing, Albus pulls out his wand and the house unfurls like a blooming flower, pulling out corners it should not have and walls that couldn't have possibly fit. A third floor forms and Albus pushes Credence up the last set of stairs and into a bedroom where he forms furniture from dust.

A massive circular ward is carved into the bare walls, crawls up to the ceiling, spills across the floor. Albus pulls out a bag of something, tucks it away into a corner and the divots blaze red before settling into a faint glow, before being covered entirely by a layer of plaster and paint.

Harry waits by the door, his arms crossed, doesn't realise he's scratching his own wrist until he feels the wet blood start to seep under his nails. He takes a calming breath and turns to the boy. "Credence?" Harry tilts his body sideways, trying to see under the fringe. "I'm Harry, I guess you're bunking with me for a while."

Credence turns to look at Harry's feet but doesn't respond.

"I gave it a calming potion," Albus cuts in. "It's – Credence is responding oddly to it."

"Do you need anything?" Harry asks worriedly. "I can wake Gellert, he's well into his potions phase and so he knows everything – about everything."

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