[ Head On Fire ]

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Warning: some explicit content at the end, and loads of FLUFF


The day after the Death incident, Harry was sitting in the library surrounded by books on Ancient Runes. He had dug his hands into his hair, and was staring dejectedly at the many sheets of parchment. OWLs were very soon, and he was still trying to catch up on concepts that students learnt in third year. He was now sorely regretting choosing Divination and Care of Magical Creatures in his last life.

Not to say this wasn't interesting, but it was just... difficult.

This is hardly your most pressing matter, Master.

'If I am to stay here for the foreseeable future, I would rather have a few OWLs under my belt Death. No need to remind me about all my other issues, I am getting on quite alright.'

I think Tom's brush with Death has scared him into wishing for immortality even more, Master.

'That is hardly my fault!'

"How long have you been in here?" A voice asked, and Harry looked up quickly to see that Tom had approached his table, sat down, and brought out work of his own. All with Harry not noticing.

"Since the end of Potions," Harry admitted, though he was unsure about what the time was currently.

Tom nodded, his gaze locked on to something on Harry's cheek.

"You have ink all over your face," He said after a beat, "And you missed lunch."

Harry blanched, and swung around to look out the window. There were now red and orange streaks in the sky, the sun setting rapidly over the forest.

"And Transfiguration." Tom said.

Harry paled slightly.

"And Dinner."

He let out a loud curse, before blushing at the way the librarian turned to glare in his direction.

"It's just Runes," Harry spat, gesturing towards the desk, "I can't get my head around it. And with OWLs coming soon..."

Deflating slightly, Harry slumped back in his chair. He hadn't been this stressed for OWLs the first time, and this was taking it to a whole new level. Hermione would be proud of his dedication, though, even if it meant skipping meals to study.

"Come with me," Tom said, packing his things back away, "You are wasting your time just staring at those pages, and you need to eat."

Harry was about to protest, when his stomach let out a particularly vicious growl. A trip to the kitchens was long overdue, anyhow.

"You know the way?" Tom asked, raising an eyebrow as Harry instinctively walked left out of the library.

"Of course," He replied, giving Tom a tired look, "You should know that I am always hungry."

"Anyone would be able to tell that, from the way you stuff your mouth at mealtimes. Did my etiquette training do nothing for your manners?"

He scoffed, "Many people have tried to train it out of me, you are not the first to fail."

"It is hardly my failure," Tom scowled, "When you refuse to be taught."

"Etiquette is pointless."

Even I disagree with you there, Master.

Tom gave him a look that suggested he wholeheartedly disagreed. Harry only grinned back, unabashed.

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