[ A Little Lonely ]

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Tom cracked open the file of Frederick Bray. Inside were a few pages, his date of birth and names of parents, address etc. What Tom wanted was the stolen letter that Abraxas had gained him, a long and boring one penned to his mother. Even as he was to leave Hogwarts in only 50 minutes, there was still enough time to write and post a letter.

Mother, Tom wrote, perfectly imitating Bray's handwriting.

My end of year exams went well, as you probably guessed from my frantic letter writing, but I wanted to send you one before I return home this summer and get something off my chest. I've met someone, and we've been dating for the past couple of months. I know you may not approve–

Tom faked scribbling out a few words, to make it more authentic.

I'm gay. And I have a boyfriend. He's called Hadrian and he's new at Hogwarts this year, and I really really like him.

I don't know how to tell dad, but I wanted you to know anyway.

I can tell you more about it when I'm back.


Tom smiled to himself. Abraxas had informed him that Bray's parents did not know about Hadrian, or about his homosexuality. Tom wasn't sure whether they would care, but knowing the state of Muggle Britain it was most definitely taboo. Bray's father was a muggle, his mother a witch. Hopefully, this would cause some kind of tension between Hadrian and Bray. Or even better, tension between Bray and his own family. One can only wonder what would happen to the boy over summer, if his father was anything like the priest at Tom's orphanage.

He folded up the letter, strolled up to the owlery, and watched the bird fly away with well concealed anticipation.

Hadrian and he were in a good place already, and Tom certainly did not want his summer ruined by another person (and a fool, at that).

"You good?" Hadrian asked after Tom reentered the dorm, looking up from where he was attempting to neatly fold his robes.

The key word there being 'attempting', as it looked more like a scrunched up ball than anything remotely neat.

"Of course, just one last stroll before we leave for the summer." Tom bluffed, summoning his suitcase with a swish of his wand.

Hadrian's smile softened, and Tom could tell he understood the pain of leaving Hogwarts. Even if neither of them were to return to their substandard living arrangements.

"We should leave now, I think Orion and the others have already left."

"You waited for me?" Tom said with surprise.

The teenager blushed slightly, his cheeks blotting in an attractive splatter of pink.

"Yeah, couldn't have you getting lost could I?"

Hadrian shoved the last of his belongings into the trunk, the battered thing clicking shut, before he picked it up and walked towards the door.

"You know me so well," Tom replied sarcastically, eyes scanning over Hadrian's figure.

Even if he had just thrown on the outfit at the top of his pile, Hadrian looked stunningly kissable in that moment. An innocent exterior contrasting the darkness Tom knew was within– a perfect combination.

The train ride back to Platform 9 ¾ felt painfully slow, Harry thought as he stared out the window and watched the rolling countryside pass by. On the one hand, he couldn't believe he had completed a whole year at Hogwarts. It had gone so quickly, almost feeling like a dream, and Harry didn't think he had ever enjoyed leaving Hogwarts for the summer any more than he did now. On the other hand, there was still the lingering fear that accompanied leaving the safety of the castle. Its warmth, even in winter months, was a comfort that Harry couldn't guarantee having anywhere else. That feeling was even present during this past year, with the threats of a new life and rising Dark Lord.

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