[ A Case of Murder ]

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Summary: Tom thinks that Grindelwald is Harry's boyfriend and gets jealous. Harry is more concerned with the fact he is about to be sent to azkaban


It was three days later when Harry was called from his cell, and told that his trial was that day.

Arcturus handed him a clean set of robes, saying, "Change quickly, we will want to make a good impression."

An hour later Harry found himself walking into he courtroom, donned in very expensive robes that he was sure very few people could afford. He was relieved to find that the Ministry didn't think him so dangerous that they wrapped chains around him once he took his seat in the middle of the chamber. He was mildly put off, however, that the trial chamber looked almost identical to the one he had seen in Dumbledore's pensive.

"Hadrian Ignotus Peverell," Ernest Bones announced, "You have been brought here in front of the Council of Magical Law to answer charges relating to the activities of the Dark Lord Grindelwald, as well as charges against your person with regards to the deaths of Damian and Jocasta Peverell on February 2nd, 1942. Please confirm for the jury."

"Correct," Harry replied, watching as the grey haired man made note on the parchment in front of him.

"How do you plead on these charges? Innocent or guilty?" Bones continued, glancing up at him with a rather tired expression.

"Innocent, Chief Warlock," Harry replied, his voice calm and even all while he stared intently at the man.

Bones tutted under his breath, muttering something that Harry didn't quite catch, "Are you sure?"

"Quite," He said, trying to refrain from snapping. Just because they wanted an early lunch...

"Then let the session commence."

Tom slipped into the courtroom moments before the clock struck 11, taking a seat at the very back row of the circular room. There were very few people watching the trial, and those occupying the seats were mostly there out of obligation to their career. He did, however, note a blonde haired woman sat a couple of rows in front of him holding rolls of parchment and a quill. She wore a garish green jacket and red rimmed glasses and was watching the room with poorly concealed glee. A reporter, most likely. Tom wondered if she would take a quote from him.

Hadrian sat in the centre of the room, donned in dark blue robes that Tom had never seen him wear before. They were well fitted, and he assumed that Lord Black had procured them for him. Tom watched carefully as Hadrian smoothed out non existent creases on his thighs, before settling back into the chair as if this were his fiftieth trial and there were no worries about his innocence.

That was clearly not the case. Tom could see the creases in Hadrian's eyes and the biting of his lip– a habit that had been present ever since they first met. For a second, those pale green eyes darted up to look at him and held his gaze. No, Hadrian would certainly not take this lying down. There was a fierceness in his eyes, an unfailing confidence in the face of adversity that set the teenager apart from all others in their house.

Tom quirked his lips up into a smile, and dipped his head. Hopefully his presence was reassuring and, even if it wasn't, Tom wouldn't have missed this for the world.

"As always," Ernest Bones continued to speak, and Tom tuned into his words when Hadrian's gaze moved back to the Chief Warlock, "We begin with the prosecution. For this trial, we begin with Auror Cassius Albrecht who will recount the proceedings of the night February 2nd, 1942. Mr Albrecht, please take the stand."

Hadrian was guided up and away to sit in the front row, and a burly man with shoulders twice the width of Tom's own came bumbling into the room.

Tom tried to pay attention to the jumbled recounting of events, but Albrecht was either a really bad storyteller or remarkably dim. He assumed it was likely the latter, as Aurors on the whole tended to be rather idiotic.

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