Whisky James

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Name: Whisky James

Nickname: None

Age: 15 almost 16

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Closeted bisexual

Love interest: Ponyboy Curtis or Johnny Cade

Soc, greaser, or neither: Greaser


Likes: smoking, music, the guitar, movies, reading, Greasers, nice people overall, writing

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Likes: smoking, music, the guitar, movies, reading, Greasers, nice people overall, writing

Dislikes: Socs, Rumbles(Or fights in general), homophobes, when people get drunk, yelling, his scars

Personality: Whisky is an overall bubbly guy...well at least he tries to be. He's the kind of guy who would go up to someone and say "You're my friend now." And would basically claim you but also wouldn't take crap from anyone. Though when he's in a bad mood you'll know and it's best not to mess with him. He's secretly an emotional guy but where he's from he knows better than to show half of them. You can tell however if he's not doing the best cause he'll be more quiet than usual.

Father- Rodger James

Mother- Donna James

Older Brother- Ray James

Dally Winston
Curly Shepard
Ponyboy Curtis
Johnny Curtis
Two-Bit Matthews
Sodapop Curtis
Steve Randle

Darry Curtis
Tim Shepherd

All Socs


(TW abusive household and implication of sh)
Whisky's life was good. At least for the first 13 years. When he was younger he was rather rich and could be considered a Soc. That was until one day when his father came home drunk and out of his mind only to tell him and his mother that his company got sold off and he gambled away most of their money. That day was also the last day he saw his mother as by the next day she was gone. They ended up moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma where he had to grow up fast with his father always drinking and taking his anger out on him. His father bounced around from job to job leaving their money situation to be unstable. It didn't help how his older brother never seemed to be home and that the two have a rocky relationship which just leave him and his father.

It all got worse when at the age of 14, that's when he started becoming a true greaser. He started talking back to Socs which just ended up with him getting beat. He could hold his own pretty well but when it's a couple of them and only one of you then it's not going to end pretty. Everything was starting to mess with him mentally but it's not like he could talk to anyone plus he didn't know any healthy ways to cope. Thats when he became closer with his switch blades in more ways than one.

Now at the age of 15 not much has changed. Well that was until he bumped into a particular group...

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