Chapter 4

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When I open the door, I'm greeted by a hideous man, with sallow skin, a hooked nose, and yellow uneven teeth.

"Yes?" I ask, in annoyance, while subtly draining the knowledge of why he's here from his mind. He's here to steal my Acromantula Venom. Having gotten what I needed, I moved on to his Dark Arts knowledge.

"I need all of your Acromantula Venom, for Order business." He lies to me, with a sneer, while looking over my room from the door.

"Nice try. If you want Acromantula Venom for your personal stores. You can buy it for a hundred Galleons per pint." I say unamused by his attempt to lie. He attempts to barge into my room, to take what he wants. I wandlessly banish him into a wall, while withdrawing my wand, then closing my bedroom door. Then I activate the security measures.

"You really shouldn't have tried that," I say, in amusement, as he recovers. He reaches for his wand, I let him and then disarm him. I catch his wand with my free hand. "Are you done embarrassing yourself? All you had to do was agree to pay for the Venom. But, no! You just had to be an arsehole!" I say, in annoyance. "Lily chose James. Get over it! You're both losers! At least in that way your both equal." I continue, angering him enough to try physically attacking me. I catch him with Telekinesis and throw him down the hallway, towards where more people should be.

When he begins to rise again, I knock him back, with a Knockback Jinx, which knocks him unconscious. Getting bored, I bind him with Incarcerous and pocket the wands. I lift him telekinetically, carrying him down to the Kitchen.

"Snivellus tried stealing your Acromantula venom?" Sirius asks as I walk into the kitchen. Drawing the Orders attention to my entrance.

"Yes. I almost decided to keep hurting him, till someone came to look for him. I do despise thieves." I say, angrily, before unceremoniously dropping Snape on his head. I'm still continuing my draining of his knowledge, moving on to his Potions knowledge, his Dark Arts knowledge wasn't that great. I mostly got knowledge of his spells and couple rare ones.

"I wouldn't have minded. But Dumbledore would have complained if you injured his pet bat." Sirius says, in annoyance.

"Dumbledore can go bugger himself with a beaters bat. If Snape tries stealing from me again, he'll need a new spy." I inform everyone in the room, mostly angering them. Sirius looks amused. Nym looks torn between amusement and disapproval. "So. As soon as The Ugliest Son of a Bitch in the United Kingdom wakes up, I'll warn him. Then go about my business. Feel free to continue your super-secret vigilante stuff." I say, before leaning against the wall. The Order just glares at me in annoyance, as Sirius looks on in amusement.

"I know I'm gorgeous. But usually, people are able to concentrate on their work." I say, completely seriously, getting more glares, snorts of amusement from a few. "Oh please. Let me guess Moldyshorts is recruiting Werewolves, Giants, Dementors, Vampires, and other Dark Creatures. You're attempting to secure their allegiance first or get them neutral. Obviously, none of you are willing to wipe out those parties. Something about morality before common sense." I say, annoying them even more. "Your best bet is to point out that the darker, more bigoted families foment the hatred of so-called Half-breeds. That, and anything non-human. That by fighting against the Dark Wanker, they're fighting against the source of this hatred and proving they can be productive citizens. Thereby earning more rights, if they refuse to kill them."

"We're not murderers!" Moody says, loudly.

"If you don't kill them, they will kill others. Death's which you could have prevented." I say, in a tone of annoyance.

Harry Black, The Boy who Lived? By ZaneT69Where stories live. Discover now