Chapter 6

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Fourth September 1995- Early Morning

I'm currently near a cave in Greece, my mission briefing listed this as a lair for Manticore. I've confirmed that this will be an extremely difficult mission to complete. Partly, because I'll have to figure out how to kill the things. I decide to just go for it. I take flight, towards the cave the Manticore is in. As soon as I get close, I fire a Killing Curse at it. Which causes it to fall to the ground dead. I need to kill a minimum of four like this, before experimenting with other methods of killing.

Twenty minutes later...

I've just killed the last of the four Manticores, with the Killing Curse. I'm in an area with several nests of Manticores, I hear them coming for me. Thankfully. I'm in a narrow passage, with my back to a cliff, which limits their attack options. When the first comes into view, I decide It's time, Percutio Acidus I think while aiming at its eyes. It lets out a scream of agony while falling to the ground, and pawing at its eyes. The other Manticore eye their comrade nervously, seemingly reluctant to attack. I can't have that, so I go with the logical conclusion.

I aim my wand at another Manticore, then think: Bateare Ignus. A large iron ball covered in bright flames launches at the Manticore, which dodges, then it runs to attack me. When it gets close I catch it, with my telekinesis then immobilise it against the rock wall, aim my wand at its head.

"Bombarda Maxima!" I say, with a smile from behind my mask. The spell hits the Manticore's head, smashing it into the wall. The pressure causes the head to explode grotesquely, spraying me in brain matter, dust, dirt, and rock. The other Manticores, of which there are nine,

"Ignis Capillus Inguen," I say, with a smile, while aiming at one of the closer Manticores. I quickly aim my wand at another. "Avada Kedavra!" I say, before quickly knocking back the other seven, with the full force of my telekinetic powers. I take a moment to observe my work. The Manticore I lit on fire is screaming in agony, I decide to take pity on it. I aim my wand and cast a nonverbal Killing Curse.

I cast a nonverbal Disintegration Curse at a Manticore, that was just standing up. I watch it burst into small pieces, and disintegrate. I'll admit, I'm surprised, It's going so well. I am using powerful spells against them, though.

"Crematora!" I say while aiming my wand at another Manticore. The next ten seconds are spent with all of us. Manticore and Wizard alike, watching the Manticores horrific death, being burned alive, till there are only ashes left. Naturally, after witnessing this, they all decide to attack again.

"Crematora, Disintegrata, Avada Kedavra, Percutio Acidus," I say, calmly and with an undertone of amusement. I was hoping for a good fight, I guess I got close. I quickly knock back the two remaining Manticore's, then cast another two Killing Curses.

"Well. At least this mission was better than the Dragon mission." I say in amusement, before activating my Portkey. I'm glad Manticores are rare, though I wouldn't mind killing more. I just hope the Chimaera's are just as much fun, there are more of those.

I arrive in my room, a minute later. I remove my mask, then sit down to write a letter to Cort, my handler. After finishing that, and realising I've only fought for thirty minutes, I decide to move on the Chimaeras next. I activate the Portkey Cort sent for the Chimaera mission, with an excited expression. The reason so few class XXXXX Beasts are killed, is because the usual people who they send to do the job are too self-righteous and naive to use the required spells. I don't suffer that weakness, I'll go directly for potentially lethal attacks.

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