Chapter 5

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Third September 1995- Early Morning.

I'm currently in Hungary, on assignment to eliminate five escaped Hungarian Horntails. I get to harvest resources from them too, that's the only reason I agreed to such a dangerous assignment. Which should make my great money, adding to what I have, after selling the Acromantula Venom, of which I kept ten pints? Luckily I've found the five Dragons, very quickly. Unfortunately, they're all together and sniffing the air. I decide it's only a matter of time till they find me, so I'll attack them.

I step out of the bushes, with a silencing charm on me. "Avada Kedavra!" I say while aiming the Elder Wand at the closest one. They hear nothing due to the silencing charm, the Dragon falls to the ground dead, drawing attention to me.

"Hi. You're all ugly." I say in Parseltongue, enraging them into attacking. I disapparate out the path of their fire, to behind them, then hit another, with a Lightning bolt from my wand. Then I disapparate away, before firing another Killing Curse at one of the Dragons. Which hits and the Dragon falls to the ground, dead. After appearing a safe distance away from another Dragon, I quickly fire off another Killing Curse. Then shield against a Dragonfire attack, that took me by surprise. The force of it begins sending me back a few feet, as my feet drag while maintaining my shield.

Eventually, it ceases its attack, thankfully. I'm sweating quite bit from the heat, even in my magically enhanced robes. The bloody Dragon is about to fly away, so I hit it with a Lightning bolt, then follow up with a Killing Curse to be sure. Killing the dragons took me five minutes, hopefully, harvesting won't take long. That way I can get back home, and spend time with Nym.

I remove my enchanted bag, with vials of the Dragon blood, and other tools for harvesting stuff from Dragons.

Five hours later.

I've finally finished harvesting everything from these Dragons. I'll have my contacts transport the carcasses to Taxidermists, where the bodies will be restored to good enough condition to be used for education in schools. Which I'll make even more money from. Durmstrang will receive one for free if they desire, I will, of course, be keeping one as a trophy. I store my loot in my bag and activate my portkey to Grimmauld Place.

I arrive several moments later and almost fall on my arse.

"Kreacher!" I call out, loudly.

A moment later Kreacher pops in, and Sirius runs into the room. And see's me with a large amount of blood on my hands.

"What happened?!" Sirius yells, while running closer to check on me.

"I'm fine, Sirius. It's Dragons blood. I had to kill some that escaped." I say calmly, as more of the Order comes into the room.

"You killed Dragons?" Bill Weasley asks, in awe.

"Yeah. It was surprisingly easy. Is Tonks here yet?" I ask, in slight concern.

"She told me to tell you she has to cancel, an assignment came up," Sirius informs me. Now that he's not worried I'm gonna die.

"Oh well. At least I have plenty of time to sell the loot from the Dragons." I say, with a false upbeat tone. "I'm gonna go change, then owl my contacts. I need to get those carcasses off the ground, and off to the Taxidermist." I say before walking away.

Harry Black, The Boy who Lived? By ZaneT69Where stories live. Discover now