Chapter 10

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June, Twenty-first 1996

The Grand Plan.

I've just left Gringotts, well I was impolitely asked to leave after accusing them of theft. I left loudly, making sure plenty of people heard me. I disapparate to Grimmauld Place.

I arrive in the living room, fully projecting my anger. I begin walking towards the kitchen where I hear voices, and when I enter moments later, all attention is on me. "The Goblins stole everything in the Lestrange and Malfoy vaults," I say, to a group of people consisting of Sirius, Nym, and her parents, they're all shocked. "When I said so, they drove me from the bank at spear point. I'm informing the British Ministry, and then the ICW. If you wish me to cast the Fidelius for you to hide your wealth under, I will do so, when I return." I say, to which they nod in understanding. I disapparate to where I talked to Fudge in the Ministry.

When I arrive, I walk to Fudge's secretary.

"Hadrian Black, to visit Minister Fudge. This is extremely important, involving the security of the Wizarding World." I say, wasting no time.

"I'll go see if he can make time, he's currently in a meeting with Madam Bones and Head Auror Scrimgeour." She says, before running into Fudge's office. She returns a minute later. "He will see you." She informs me with a smile, holding the door open for me.

"Great," I say, with a smile, entering Fudge's office.

"So, what is this matter your here regarding?" Fudge asks, in concern, which Bones and Scrimgeour mirror.

"The Goblins emptied the Malfoy and Lestrange Vaults, that I won in an Honor Duel. They forced me from the bank at spear point. Naturally, after I leave here I will be informing the ICW, destroy those vermin once and for all. I merely came here to inform the Ministry, so that they can investigate, and look for other victims." I say, in controlled rage.

"The Ministry will investigate this. In the mean time, Gringotts will be placed under Ministry oversight." Fudge says, in an attempt at reassurance.

"Excellent, I'm sorry for the interruption. I just needed to inform the Ministry before my next stop. Goodbye." I say, before disapparating to France, to inform Cort.

September first, 1996

With my actions, the Grand Plan was truly set into motion. Over the last few months the War-Mages along with anti-Werewolf, and Anti-Vampire groups complete the purge of Werewolves and Vampires. This task was helped by a device that can detect them, invented due to a collaboration of Unspeakables from around the world. Dementors and several other more dangerous beasts were eradicated.

Eventually, the Goblins made public that only Phoenix's can bypass their wards. Naturally, Dumbledore was investigated, I used, this time, to publicized his dark past. He may not have been convicted due to lack of evidence, but I did destroy his image, he lost his position as Headmaster, to be succeeded by Minerva McGonagall. I used my position as twenty-five percent owner of Hogwarts to institute changes there. The dismissal of Snape, the exorcism of Binns, the institution of rules to prevent hate speech, and discrimination. I've also funded remedial schools for Potions, and DADA, to the appreciation of the Auror, Hit-Wizard, Healer, and Curse-Breaker professions. All teachers will be required to pass a test, to prove they're capable of teaching up to a NEWT level in their fields.

Gringotts had their right to a monopoly on banking removed, I created a competitor which is currently their biggest rival. I have the wealthiest families placing their wealth in my bank, each family is given a vault that is under a Fidelius, linked to a lease. Which is keyed to their blood, and only they're listed family, and bank employees are allowed in. Bank employees are required to swear oaths on their life, and magic, to not steal, attempt to steal or provide information to anyone, not a bank employee. This is in addition to secrecy oaths, and submitting them self to questioning under Veritaserum on demand, by the manager. Naturally, I forgot to place myself under these oaths, I might have to rob my own bank.

Harry Black, The Boy who Lived? By ZaneT69Where stories live. Discover now