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I walked out of the closet and Summer gasped.

"What?" I started to worry.

"You look hot." She giggled.

I was wearing a long sleeve navy blue shirt with to sleeves rolled up to my elbows and some black jeans. I also had a black beanie on.

"Not too bad yourself, darling." I kissed her. She had curled her hair and added a Supernatural beanie.

"Where are we going?" She smiled, standing on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around my neck. "Also you're a giant. Just fyi.."

I grinned. "No, you're a pinky toe amongst big toes. And that's a secret."

She rolled her eyes at my first comment. I smiled and we went to the car. I drove for what felt like forever. "We're here, m' darling." I opened her door and helped her out.

"Ooh the park? It's so lovely!" She jumped up. I got the picnic basket and we set out to find the perfect tree to sit under.

Duets In The Rain [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now