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"I've got another surprise for you, darling." Joe said after he set me done.

"Ohh what is it?!?!" I jumped up and down.

"They are waiting inside!" He grinned.

"They?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He waved it away. "You'll see."

When I walked inside, I did three things. First I yelped, then I turned around and buried my face in Joe's chest, and screamed.

"That's adorable." I heard the one and only, Connor Franta, laugh. Then I heard Dan's chuckle and Phil's airy laugh.

Joe grabbed my arms and turned me around, forcing me to cover my face with my hands.

"Can I have a hug?" I saw Connor hold out his arms through my fingers.

I moved my hands from my face and nodded slowly. I made my way over to him slowly and he attacked me in a bear hug.

"I've wanted to meet you for forever! I love your channel!" He grinned.

Omg! Connor Franta watches my channel!!!!

I walked over to Dan and held my hand out.

"Oh come here!" He enveloped me in a hug. He towered over me, just like Joe. "I love your channel too!"

I started crying a little. Phil walked over and hugged me, him being the caring person he is. "Aw don't cry!"

"Why are you crying?" Joe started rubbing my back.

"My three favorite YouTubers are here and they said they love my videos!" I said as Joe wiped a tear. I saw Zoe and Alfie standing a little bit off to the side smiling.

"Who did all of this?" I looked around.

"I did." Joe said sheepishly.

I ran over and hugged him. "Best day ever." I whispered.

I had all I ever wanted all in one day: Joe love me, a kiss, and meeting my favorite YouTubers.

Duets In The Rain [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now