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"He doesn't want to take his father's steps. He don't want to be a soldier. The
moment came and he felt tired of all the pressure to the point that he wished
for this."

Tae nodded. "So, how does that

The woman looked at him, "In conclusion, you exchanged souls."--

Tae has never been so annoyed and surprised in the same time. For real?
They exchanged souls?

He laughed and smacked the woman jokingly on the arm. "I didn't know you
we're a comedian, haha funny. Next joke?" He said but the woman was all

"Exchanged souls? Are you insane? You? eXCHANGED OUR SOULS?" Tae never felt so offended in his life

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"Exchanged souls? Are you insane? You? eXCHANGED OUR SOULS?" Tae never felt so offended in his life.

He scoffed. He can't believe what was happening. He thought that this was his body, and now he feels more awkward because he's touching something that's not his.

"Its just the same as yours, dumbass. And don't complain. You will thank me
after this." Tae gave her a deadly glare. He's never been so angry.

"Your mission is to find out what happened to Captain Jeon. Once you're
done, I'll fetch u so u can come back to ur world."--

Tae sighed and tried to think about it. No one knew what happened to
Jungkook. The sources only say that he saved Korea but it is not stated how.

He'll probably win a huge price if he gets to find out what happened. And of
course, he will have the answer to his assignment.--

He sighed. "Okay, fine. But promise me you'll fetch me here okay? I don't want to be stuck here." He said and the
woman nodded.

"But remember, your mission is to find out what happened to him. Don't ever
try to ruin history. Or even hinder in his life. It will ----

affect the future and especially the past. Stick to your mission only." Tae slowly nodded and watched till the woman vanish from his sight.

He took a deep sigh. He's just going to find out what truly happened to
Jungkook right?

Yes, just that, nothing more. He hope.

 He hope

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Captain Jeon 'Since 1894' | Alternative Ending |Where stories live. Discover now