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Jungkook sighed and looked around like he’s looking for a solution. “Alright, ride with me.”


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Tae was surprised. He knew he
misinterpreted that.

“Pardon?” , “You heard me. Come on, we’re getting late. I don’t like being

Tae tried his best to hop on the horse, a lot tries to be specific. But he only ended up hurting himself.

Jungkook had enough and hopped down to help Taehyung.

“Place your left foot on the hook and then pull yourself up.”

Tae did as what he’s told, but this time ——

its much easier because Jungkook’s hands we’re on his waist, and it helped
him pull himself up to mount the horse.

“AAAA!” Tae cried when he realized that it’s kind of high to be riding a horse. He immediately crouched down.

“What’s wrong with you?” Jungkook whispered but ——

Tae heard him. “I did not know it’s this high!” He cried.

“Sit straight. The horse can’t run while you’re holding onto him like that.” Tae slightly tried to sit up straight but
whenever he looks down, he just goes
back to his old position.

“Mr. Kim, we’re already late.”—

But Tae did not listen to him. Instead, he tightened his grip on the horse.

Jungkook wanted to curse, but he knew that it’s disrespectful. Tae was sitting
in front of him and he’s behind him.

He had enough and quickly pulled Tae’s shoulder to make him sit straight.—

“GOD! Huhu, mommy.” Tae cried and he felt frozen on his seat.

Jungkook immediately ran the horse and it made Tae so shocked to the point
that he’s almost cursing in his every scream.




Tae was almost gripping onto Jungkook’s arms because he has nowhere to hold.

People are looking at them in every road because of his screams. But one
thing hit him.

He can feel Jungkook breathing through his nape and can even feel the warmth of his body.

They’re too close.—

They arrived at the school where their camp is. There are lots of soldiers,
maybe because its the new batch for training.

Jungkook parked the horse onto the side and hopped down to help Tae unmount

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