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The meeting had started. They we're talking about everything that Tae
couldn't understand, but he have his ears out.

He was just quietly eating his meal and kept on thinking about the things that
happened today.

"This is my son, Kim Taehyung." he was out of his ----

thoughts when his dad mentioned him. All of the eyes we're on him now. He
used to like this kind of attention, but now that he's unfamiliar of what's
happening -- he felt so uncomfortable.

"Haha, yow what's up." He greeted out of nervousness. He gulped when his
dad raised ----

An eyebrow at him. He also noticed the confusion in the visitor's face.

"What language is that Mr. Kim?" One of the visitors asked. "I haven't heard
of that language." He gulped. How will he explain that it's english but in an
advanced version?


His eyes started exploring the place. He's trying to look for some ideas. But
his mind was faster to think.

"It's pornessian parappio language." he said and forced a smile. He laughed
nervously when the visitors seemed convinced and amazed.

"You must be knowledgeable ----

knowing this kind of language. I've been learning foreign languages but I
haven't heard of this one. Maybe teach me some, someday?" the visitor said
and all of them laughed.

Meanwhile, Taehyung had finally took a breath. He forgot that everything is
formal here.

 He forgot that everything is formal here

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The dinner meeting was finished and his dad was still having a more private meeting with the visitors

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The dinner meeting was finished and his dad was still having a more private
meeting with the visitors.

Most of them we're high ranked officials. Some of them we're probably
mentioned in their lessons but since Tae doesn't listen to history, he don't
know them.--

Tae decided to explore the house. The servants we're cleaning the dining area
and also cleaning the dishes.

He first started to go to the garden. As usual, there we're lots of plants and
flowers. People liked to plant back then since it was their only entertainment.--

His next was the upstairs. There are lots of rooms. "I wonder if I have a
sibling here." he muttered to himself while caressing the stair fence.

He checked of the rooms but one of them was locked. Even though his
curiosity was overflowing, he didn't get to open that room.--

"Why is that door locked?" he asked himself. he went downstairs and the
library caught his attention quickly. He entered the room and he was amazed
about the amount of books that was stored.

The shelfs we're tall and they're all over the place. "This is amazing." he

He traced the books with his fingers. It wasn't dusty so that just means it is
being read often.

"Oh my god!" He cried when he saw a book that is all about fashion. He's a
fanatic of fashion and designs. That's why he wanted to be a fashion designer.

But as soon as he ----

tried to take it out, he heard a not so loud but intriguing noise. It seemed like
something was opened. He quickly took another tour of the place and he
found out that there's a secret room behind the shelfs.

Out of curiosity, he immediately entered that room. It was --

barely lit but the lights we're enough to light up the place.

There we're a lot of routes inside. There are also books, and some paintings
inside it. It looks like a maze honestly. And he felt so different about it.

He continued to go further and further until he ----

realized that he was lost. "Oh shit, where do I go?" he asked himself while
staring at the two routes -- left or right?

It was going deeper and deeper and he felt like being suffocated. His
curiosity was strong but his fear was stronger now. He decided to back off
but ----

he doesn't know which way to go. "AH!" he screamed when someone touched
his shoulders. He shut his eyes and immediately went frozen. IS IT A

"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners--"

"What the fuck are you doing?" His eyes
quickly opened when he heard ----

that familiar voice. "C-Captain?" He turned around and cursed himself for
stuttering. "You're here too?" He feels nervous, now that he knew that he's
talking to the real Jeon Jungkook.

"I thought you we're at the meeting--"

"I am, but your father asked me to look for you,"

Captain Jeon 'Since 1894' | Alternative Ending |Where stories live. Discover now