7 0 0

He watched him carry the bags and placed it beside the streets where the old woman sells. He even helped the woman sit since the chair was too low.

Tae smiled to himself and his heart jumped. He’s really a hero, he doesn’t
know why yet but this — his good heart tells it all.—

He managed to list it all down to the notebook and started following him

It been a moment of walking and Tae noticed that Jungkook was going on

“Where is he really going?” He asked himself. His legs we’re kinda getting
tired because of running.—

Within just a blink of an eye, Jungkook went to the left and now, Tae couldn’t find him.

“The heck? Did he enter another realm or what?” He told himself while looking around to find him.

He suddenly saw him enter a house — a cabin actually, and he immediately
followed him.—

The inside was barely lit. And the walls are all made of wood. It seemed like
its poorly built.

“Why would he go in this weird house?” He asked himself. It was very silent,
even the footsteps were heard. But he couldn’t hear Jungkook’s footsteps.

“God, did I lost him again?”—

He asked himself while slowly looking around the place, hoping to see
Jungkook again like how he did earlier.

“Did I see it wrong? Did he not go in here?” Tae bit his fingers, he’s getting a
bit anxious.

He sighed. He was about to leave when someone grabbed him ——

and pulled him inside the the group of dividers and covered his mouth.

“MRFHDHFJ!” His screams we’re muffled, only the sunlight on the tiny
holes of the wall we’re the only light.

“If you keep shouting the one who’s following you may kill you.” And by that, Tae went silent.—

He immediately knew it was Jungkook. But that didn’t matter for now because he saw someone with a covered face enter the room. He can see it through the folds.

The place in between the dividers were not quite enough to fit in two people.

So they’re basically glued to eo.—

Everything was silent. He can’t even hear Jungkook breathe even thought
he’s just behind him.

His heart was beating so fast while watching that person roam around the
place — he looks like he’s looking for someone.

And is that someone...him?

“Stay in here, whatever ——

happens, don’t go out until I tell you.” He whispered to his ear and that gave
him chills.

Jungkook carefully went out of one of the dividers but he’s barely seen since
he’s inside the group of dividers. And he’s holding a sword.



“Who are you?” Jungkook asked and the culprit immediately got alarmed and
held his sword.

Tae was shaking in fear. His trauma was getting back, and he feels so anxious
— so anxious.

With a moment of silence, Jungkook sensed something and he immediately
kicked all the ——

Dividers that was preventing him from being seen. And by that, him and the
guy with covered face met eyes.

The guy’s eye bawled in shock as soon as they met eyes. He tried to run away
but Jungkook was faster and quickly caught him.

He locked his neck in his arms and placed ——

the sword near his neck like he was about to cut it. “Why are you following

The culprit was choking but he still managed to answer.

“Y-you’re not the one—I’m foll—owing!” Tae saw Jungkook smirk.

“Why are you following him then?” He asked but the culprit did not ——

answer, and that probably made Jungkook pissed. “Answer me.” He said in a firm tone and tightened his arm around his neck.

“S-Some-one asked me to!” , “What in return?”

“T-Three sacks of r-rice!” Jungkook clicked his tongue. He never thought a
person can be this dumb.—

“And who is that someone?” The guy did not answer and tapped Jungkook’s arm repeatedly until he stopped.

He’s dead.

He placed his sword back and went where Tae was hiding. He was shaking

“He’s gone—fuck.” He cursed when Tae fell onto his arms.

He fainted.

Captain Jeon 'Since 1894' | Alternative Ending |Where stories live. Discover now