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The gate was fortunately opened and there are neither guards nor person who saw him enter

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The gate was fortunately opened and there are neither guards nor person who saw him enter.

He tiptoed on the side of the house. It has so many windows, somewhat like
an American style.

“The owner is not Korean.” Tae quietly muttered.

He quickly went behind the ——

side and leaned on the wall. He can somewhat hear what they we’re talking

“Is it true?”

“Yes sir. I’m here to ask your permission — I want to marry your daughter.”

Tae’s mouth went agape and his hands flew onto his mouth — covering it.—

The history did not talk about Captain Jeon’s love life so Tae is really stunned that maybe, this is the chance he’ll knew about what happened.

He heard the man sighed. “You’re a gentleman, a diligent guy and I’m glad
that you’re a Captain. But I can’t agree about you ——

marrying my daughter — not until Ihear her side. I’ll talk to her first and I’ll tell you if I can give you my permission.” Jungkook slowly nodded, informations processing in his mind.

“I understand sir. Thank you for your time.” Jungkook stood up and bowed.

Tae was too ——

immersed in the conversation and didn’t even noticed that Jungkook has got out of the house.

He quickly gathered himself and ran after him.

Thoughts we’re wondering in Tae’s mind. He has so many questions but he
knew none of them cane be answered for now.

“That girl is lucky huh? I wish I was her.” Tae laughed to himself with that
thought. How ridiculous.

He followed Jungkook but this time, he’s more careful. He wore a scarf so
that he can cover his face if needed.

Jungkook doesn’t seem to suspect anything at all.—

Jungkook went to the school — I mean military camp eh? Tae’s school was a
military camp before.

Unfortunately, there are soldiers guarding the front gate, and probably
authorized people can be only one who can enter.

Tae cursed upon his breath. “How do I bypass them?”—

A thought his mind and he’s very thankful for that. “Oh, I’m their General’s son. They should know me.”

He fixed himself and gathered his confidence.

He care-freely entered the gate and the soldiers even bowed at him. He
mentally laughed and continued walking.

“Fuck, I lost him again!” He cried and bit his lip. How is he so fast? He literally just blinked and he’s already gone.

He decided to roam around the place. There are lots of soldiers training in the
football field.

He smiled at the interiors of the building. He never —

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