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“Back it up Joe!” Sonya yells leading the group through a tunnel where a truck was blocking the way. As the truck backs up the two girls lead them to a different set of trucks. 

“We’re taking them to base.” Harriet tells one of the guys. 

“Wait, so how'd you guys get here?” Aris asks the two girls. 

“The Right Arm got us out.” Harriet tells them. 

“The Right Arm?” Thomas asks, “Do you know where they are?” 

Harriet smiles, opening the door to one of the trucks, “Hop in.” They all got in the two trucks before they began driving away. 

The trucks pull up to a large camp and everyone quickly piles out looking at the camp around them. 

“They've been planning this for over a year,” Harriet leads them further into the camp, “It's all for us.” 

“You guys are lucky you found us when you did. We’re moving out at first light.” Sonya says before turning to a man, “Where's Vince?” 

“Who’s Vince?” Thomas asks as they start walking towards the tents. 

“He's the one who decides if you get to stay.” Harriet explains. 

“I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army?” Minho asks after a moment of silence. 

“Yeah, we were.” A man comes out of the tent and looks them up and down, “This is all that's left of us. A lot of good people have died getting us this far.” He looks at Sonya and Harriet. “Who are they?” 

“They're immunes, caught them coming up the mountain.” Harriet tells him, 

The man who everyone assumed must be Vince looked back to them, “Did you check them?” 

“No but I know this guy, Aris. I trust him.” Harriet says pointing to Aris. 

“Well I don't.” Vince looks around the group, “Check ‘em.” 

“Hey boss?” One of the Right Arm guys says looking at Brenda. 

“Brenda!” Jorge shouts as she falls to the ground. 

“What's going on?” Vince asks, looking down at her confused. 

“Brenda! Talk to me!” Jorge says holding her in his lap as she mumbled ‘im sorry’ over and over again. 

“What's going on with her?” Vince asks crouching down next to the three and putting his hand on Jorges shoulder. 

“I don't know. Brenda are you alright?” Jorge asks softly. 

“What the hell?” Vince mutters looking at her leg and pulling the bandage down, “Oh shit. Crank! We gotta crank!” He yells stumbling back as he pulls a gun out of his holster. 

“No!” The boys and Spencer yell. The group covers Brenda and Jorge and Spencer pulls out her machete ready to protect them. 

“Wait, wait! Listen, this just happened. She's not dangerous yet!” Thomas yells getting in between them and next to Spencer. 

“You shouldn't have brought her here!” He yells back. 

“I know-” Thomas tried to speak but Vince cut him off again. 

“If we let cranks in now the Safe Haven doesnt last a week! Step back!” Vince yells, his gun still pointed at Brenda. 

“Let her go!” Jorge yells from where he is being held back by two guys. 

“I understand. Just listen. Please, please. Okay? I told her that you could help. There's got to be something you can do.” Thomas pleads. 

Brenda was in the middle on her back, gasping for air. Spencer went to move to her but one of Vinces guys grabbed her arm pulling her back. She elbowed him in the face and swung round kicking him in the stomach aiming her machete at him. 

When she did that some more of Vinces guys aimed their guns at her and she put her hands up moving back next to Thomas rolling her eyes. 

Vince nods, “Yeah there is.” He says lowering his gun, “I can put her out of her misery.” He cocks his gun and raises it again. 

“No! No!” Jorge yells trying to get out of the grip of the two men. 

“Vince! That's enough!” A woman yells walking towards them. “Let them go!” She orders the two guys holding Jorge before turning to the men holding their guns at Spencer and Thomas, “Put your guns down!” 

“She's infected Doc. Nothing we can do for her.” Vince says, glancing at the woman. 

“No but he can.” The woman says, seeing Thomas, “Hello Thomas.” 

“What?” Thomas asks, “You- you know me?” 

“Interesting.” The woman says with a nod, kneeling down to check on Brenda's heart beat. “Makes sense they'd put you in the maze. But I must admit I thought they'd kill you after what you did.” 

“What i did?” 

“The first time we spoke you said you couldn't take it anymore. Watching your friends die one after another. The last time we spoke you gave me the coordinates for every Wicked compound trial and lab.” The woman explained. 

“He was our source.” Vince says, looking at him astonished.

“We couldn't have pulled all of this off without him. I'm not even sure if we would be here without their help.” The woman nods, “Take her to the tent and get these guys some warm clothes.” 

“You worked for Wicked?” Spencer's voice cracked as she spoke looking at Thomas. 

“I- '' Thomas started but stopped when he knew he couldn't explain this to her. She hates Wicked and she would hate him now that she knows. 

“He did but he was helping us. Once he realised what was going on with Wicked he started helping us. We are here because of him.” The woman explained, putting her hand on his shoulder, “You're here because of him.” 

Spencer looked at the woman then at Thomas before stepping away so the woman's hand fell down. “Did he get you any information on certain people?” 

The woman shook her head, “Sorry hunny. We got imformation about subjects but nothing that told us who they were.” She turned to Thomas, “Come on Thomas. I need to get some blood from you.” 

The woman began to lead Thomas away further into the camp whilst the rest of the group stayed together. 

Spencer looked down feeling a small hand in hers and saw a young girl looking up at her. “Me and my friends were wondering if we could plait your hair.” The small girl said, smiling up at her. 

Spencer looked at the others wondering what they were going to be doing. 

“We aren't moving till tomorrow so you are all free to do what you would like.” Sonya told them. 

“Of course you can.” Spencer smiled down at the girl and she was quickly pulled away from the others. 

Two other girls ran over to them and they were all giggling and jumping up and down excitedly as Spencer followed them to a small log where she was told to sit.

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